Kristen Stewart is one of the biggest names in Hollywood. Though known for her work in the Twilight Saga, she managed to break out of the box this put her in, establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with in the film industry. She has been in front of a camera since a very young age, doing it for more than two decades now. The success that she has seen, of course, did not come without pushback.
The opinions that actors have of the film industry are very mixed. Some enthusiastically tell others to be a part of it, while others wouldn’t want people to ruin their lives through this profession. It would seem that Stewart was told, ever since she was young, that she should not go into acting, not only by her mother but also by Oscar-winning actress Jodie Foster.
Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart Had A Connection From An Early Age
Jodie Foster is one of the most respected actresses in Hollywood. Working on critically acclaimed projects like The Silence of the Lambs, The Accused, Taxi Driver, and Nell, she made a name for herself as a dedicated and true talent.
With her having had her first Oscar nomination in 1977, when she was only 12 years old, there is no person better suited to talk about the ins and outs of the film industry. While being interviewed by the Daily Beast, the actress revealed that she gave a young Kristen Stewart’s mother some advice about her future.
Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster in The Silence of the Lambs (1991).
“In 2001 I spent 5 months with Kristen Stewart on the set of Panic Room mostly holed up in a space the size of a Manhattan closet. We talked and laughed for hours, sharing spontaneous mysteries and venting our boredom. I grew to love that kid.”
She started by revealing that while working with the Twilight actress on the film Panic Room, she grew very close to her. The two play the roles of mother and daughter, Meg and Sarah Altman, and it would seem that their relationship off-screen bloomed similarly. They would spend a lot of time in each other’s company, bonding both as colleagues and two people who began to care about each other, so much so that Foster organized a party for her eleventh birthday.
Jodie Foster Asked Kristen Stewart Not To Be An Actress
It had a theme that it followed throughout, but Kristen Stewart’s attention was elsewhere. She was more interested in playing basketball with the crew rather than being at her own birthday party. The object of Stewart’s attention prompted Jodie Foster to ask her mother about what the young actress wanted to do in her future.
The Silence of the Lambs actress asked if she wanted to be an actress when she grew up, to which Stewart’s mother told her that, unfortunately, she did. Both women were very familiar with the happenings of the film industry, which made them concerned about this decision.
Kristen Stewart in a still from The Twilight Saga
““She doesn’t want to be an actor when she grows up, does she?” I asked. Her mom sighed. “Yes … unfortunately.” We both smiled and shrugged with an ambivalence born from experience. “Can’t you talk her out of it?” I offered. “Oh, I’ve tried. She loves it. She just loves it.”
Her interest in acting was not a passive one, as her mother revealed. Despite the efforts of those around to talk her out of it, she was adamant that this was the line of work Stewart wanted to go into. Ironically enough, Foster, too, was pregnant and wondered if she would meet a similar fate to the Twilight actress and her mother. She questioned if her child would have the same dreams and aspirations as Kristen Stewart.