Summary Video Appears to Confirm Leaked Ending of ‘Yellowstone’


Last week, the internet went into overdrive when a Reddit user shared a bunch of details about how the series will end.

A Reddit thread titled “The Final ‘Way Out’ to Yellowstone and Filming” posted by MysteriousGoalz revealed a secret scene filmed in Missoula featuring Beth, Jamie, and Rip.

The post reads in part:

“I talk to a colleague this morning who, for some inexplicable reason, was an extra in this “secret scene” last night as well as a neighbor who looks down over the house, and both of them spill the beans on what happened after hearing about our baby, my spouse, and our friends. Beth, Costner’s delusional, insane daughter, is carried out on a stretcher and loaded into the ambulance. They think she was shot. There had been some big fight scene they’d filmed in the house the past few days between her, her brother (the lawyer son — literally the only sympathetic character and the only one even remotely capable of acting), and her mass-murdering, sociopath of a husband…Jamie, the lawyer, is probably dead inside and who knows about Rip. I’d like him dead too.  

If that was the big, “secret” finale/fight, Yellowstone, your crew’s sh*tty conduct towards the neighbors the past few days/over the summer, and even 2 years ago when you filmed at the house, as well as your condescending attitude towards Montanans in Missoula, the Flathead, and the Bitterroot earned you no friends and spoiled it. No one would have bothered sharing this “secret scene” had you treated everyone with some modicum of respect. You didn’t. This is the outcome. Goodbye, do not return.”

The videos appear to confirm the “Yellowstone” leak.

It didn’t take long for the shocking “Yellowstone” thread to go viral. Paramount Network never responded to my request for comment, but I was able to reach out to MysteriousGoalz.

While I can’t share the videos, I can confirm that I’ve seen two live videos from the “Yellowstone” set that appear to support the thread circulating on Reddit right now.

Specifically, the videos clearly show a person being loaded into an ambulance as described in the Reddit thread.

Ngôi sao "Yellowstone" Kelly Reilly đã hé lộ "sự thô sơ và vẻ đẹp" của mùa cuối. Khi nào thì chương trình ăn khách này sẽ trở lại? Khi nào thì bản xem trước sẽ ra mắt? (Nguồn: Paramount Network)

Furthermore, I spoke with MysteriousGoalz about what more they knew, and they told me the following, in part, when explaining what they knew:

Another crew member told me on Tuesday during the same conversation about the intricate fight scene that there was “a death” and that they were at the end of production here in Montana and had filmed largely in chronological order. He mentioned that they were bringing in mats to protect the floors from fake blood. Finally, why it’s probably Jamie dead in there, there are photos of his car and Beth’s car with police tape up (Rip’s is gone) with the ambulance. And a production guy told my husband that they were “committed” to Yellowstone spin-offs with their “fan favorites” when he asked if there would be any further filming in the neighborhood in the future. He then said, “Oh, so you’re saying Jamie is dead?” And the guy just smiled and said, “I mean I didn’t say that, but we have fan favorites.” It could all be a mis-direct on Paramount’s part, but quite frankly, they spent a ton of money on that night shoot and the shoot at the house the past two days. I strongly doubt that they would have gone to the expense with the lighting and the 250-person crew in a our neighborhood that night if it were a mis-direct.

What’s very interesting is there are a couple photos of Wes Bentley, who plays Jamie, floating around Reddit prior to this alleged fight scene.

“Yeah it is Jamie’s. They film here pretty frequently. Was going to get coffee, saw the blocked off road, and wandered on down for a few pics. They’re filming a big fight scene, apparently. I assume Beth and Rip are gonna beat the shit out of him,” the Reddit user who shared the photos posted.

That means we now have photos and videos of this alleged fight scene that is critical to the ending of “Yellowstone.”

Could this all be smoke and mirrors from Paramount Network and Taylor Sheridan? Without a doubt, but the reality of the situation is there seems to be way too much evidence for this all to be some kind of hoax.

There are photos on Reddit, there’s at least two videos that were filmed (I’ve seen both) and multiple people in the area all seem to have the same details. That’s a lot of coincidences for this all to be fake.


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