7 Ways Leonard Being Dead In Young Sheldon Would Change The Big Bang Theory

Although Young Sheldon’s series finale implied The Big Bang Theory’s Leonard might be dead in one throwaway line, killing off the character would profoundly reshape the entire sitcom franchise. Young Sheldon’s series finale was a fitting ending for The Big Bang Theory’s spinoff, with the nostalgic family comedy jumping ahead into the future and introducing an older version of Sheldon as its narrator. Sheldon’s hubris and self-importance were back after his atypically sweet speech in The Big Bang Theory’s finale but, fortunately, Amy convinced him to focus on his family over his legacy as the series ended.

However, the ending wasn’t without its controversies. While Young Sheldon season 7 improved Meemaw’s role, the final episode never explained why her character changed so much between Young Sheldon and The Big Bang Theory. Similarly, Sheldon and Missy’s adolescent friendship ended on an odd, awkward note as he left for college in California. Neither of these issues gained as much attention as one comment Sheldon made about Penny, which some viewers read as a worrying canon revelation. In the final episode, Sheldon tells Amy that they should never have allowed Penny to babysit their children during a conversation.

Young Sheldon’s ending wrapped up a lot of storylines, but season 7 completely forgot one of The Big Bang Theory spinoff’s most controversial plots.

7Leonard’s Death Makes Penny’s Big Bang Theory Ending Worse

Penny’s Pregnancy Gains A Tragic Edge Thanks To This Twist

Although Sheldon might have singled out Penny because he was complaining about her influence, this comment still struck a chord. Viewers began to wonder why Sheldon didn’t say Leonard and Penny and theorized that Leonard might have died after The Big Bang Theory’s finale. There are other reasons Sheldon might not have mentioned Leonard. His friend might have been busy when Penny babysat their children, or he may have felt that Leonard’s presence had nothing to do with their daughter developing an interest in acting classes. However, there is still a possibility that Sheldon’s comment obliquely referenced Leonard’s death.

Penny never wanted to have children until The Big Bang Theory ’s finale, while Leonard was always eager to have kids.

Confirming this would make The Big Bang Theory’s most divisive story immeasurably sadder. Penny never wanted to have children until The Big Bang Theory’s finale, while Leonard was always eager to have kids. The couple went back and forth on the topic for years, with not one, but two episodes in the final season entering this conflict. Despite this, The Big Bang Theory’s finale still revealed Penny was pregnant. If Leonard never got the chance to parent his children and Penny was forced to raise them alone, this would make the character’s already-divisive final pregnancy even more controversial.

6Leonard Dying Ruins A Potential Big Bang Theory Spinoff

A Sequel Focused On The Gang’s Kids Wouldn’t Work Without Leonard

Learning that Leonard died before he could experience fatherhood would be sad for him and Penny, but it would also be bad news for the future of The Big Bang Theory’s best potential spinoff. A sequel series could focus on The Big Bang Theory gang’s children much like That ‘90s Show centers on the children of That ‘70s Show’s heroes. However, this would be impossible if Leonard was dead since The Big Bang Theory’s original stars would need to play a supporting role for this format to work. The sequel would fall flat without Johnny Galecki’s return as Leonard.

Neither Penny nor Leonard would be particularly interesting without their partner.

There’s no denying the fact that Kaley Cuoco’s The Big Bang Theory heroine Penny was a big part of the original show’s appeal. However, neither Penny nor Leonard would be particularly interesting without their partner. It was the chemistry between the duo and their differences that made their relationship compelling. Thus, a sequel series that followed up The Big Bang Theory by introducing the pair’s children would need Penny and Leonard to play a role in its story. The Big Bang Theory’s follow-up revealing that Leonard died would make its plot tragic before it even began, and this event would inevitably reshape the show.

5Leonard’s Death Makes Sheldon’s Family Story Sadder

Sheldon May Have Named His Child After His Late Friend

The fact that Sheldon’s son is named Leonard seems like a reference to his childhood hero, Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy. However, if Leonard is confirmed to be dead, then it is more likely that Sheldon named his son after his late friend. While Penny and Sheldon shared The Big Bang Theory’s best friendship, Leonard and Sheldon were closer than any two characters in the cast. Their friendship predated the series itself and managed to last through countless fights and a lot of major life changes. As such, it is reasonable to suggest Sheldon would name his son after Leonard.

This would add a layer of tragedy to Sheldon’s professed indifference towards his son’s interests. Sheldon almost refuses to attend his son’s hockey game in Young Sheldon’s finale, proving that all of his reflections on his family life didn’t compel him to improve his own parenting. Fortunately, Amy convinces him to attend the game and take more interest in the lives of his children by the episode’s ending. However, if Leonard is named after The Big Bang Theory’s late hero, the fact that Sheldon still wasn’t all that interested in his life is a poor reflection on his character.

4Leonard’s Death Makes Beverly’s Big Bang Theory Arc Tragic

Leonard Only Reconciled With His Mother In The Big Bang Theory’s Ending

One of The Big Bang Theory’s most hated episodes implied that Sheldon put Leonard through his paces for the fun of it rather than doing so because he couldn’t help himself. Similarly, a lot of appearances from Leonard’s mother, Beverly, implied that she was cold and distant towards her son because she held a disdainfully low opinion of him. However, Beverly’s later episodes saw her warm up to Leonard and loosen up. By the time the series ended, The Big Bang Theory’s Beverly had not only apologized for treating her son like a science experiment, but she had even earned his forgiveness.

Penny and Leonard wouldn’t be much older than they were in The Big Bang Theory ’s finale when Leonard died

This was one of the sweetest elements of The Big Bang Theory’s final season as Leonard reconciled with his mother, and she admitted she was proud of his achievements. As such, it would be tragic to discover that Leonard died soon after this. Judging by Sheldon and Amy’s ages in Young Sheldon’s series finale, Penny and Leonard wouldn’t be much older than they were in The Big Bang Theory’s finale when Leonard died. While Young Sheldon’s version of Mary effectively redeemed Sheldon’s mother by revealing her tragic backstory, Beverly may have only become understanding just before Leonard’s untimely death.

3Leonard’s Fate Could Make Penny’s Big Bang Theory Dream Even Sadder

Penny Giving Up On Acting Is Even More Tragic Given Her Husband’s Death

The Big Bang Theory would inadvertently become tragic if Leonard was revealed to be dead since this would mean that Penny gave up on her dream for nothing. When she was first introduced in The Big Bang Theory, Penny was a struggling actor who wanted nothing more than to turn her passion into a career. Considering Howard went to space and Sheldon won a Nobel Prize, this modest ambition didn’t seem too unrealistic within the milieu of the series. However, it was evidently too big a dream for the show’s heroine. Penny gave up on acting entirely before the finale.

Penny at least had a loving partner when she opted not to continue pursuing acting.

Penny’s decision to abandon her dream was a sad one, but Leonard’s death would make it significantly more heartbreaking. After all, Penny at least had a loving partner when she opted not to continue pursuing acting. Like Young Sheldon’s Mary, her life would have been irrevocably altered by her husband’s death. As a single mother, it is unlikely that Penny would have the time, freedom, or money to pursue her passion, but she also wouldn’t have Leonard’s support in raising the pair’s children. This leaves Penny in a uniquely difficult position, making her choice to quit acting sadder in retrospect.

2Leonard’s Death Reshapes The Big Bang Theory’s Entire Friend Group

Leonard Was The Glue That Held The Gang Together

The Big Bang Theory’s central group of friends might have seemed close, but there were always cracks in their makeup. Howard openly resented Sheldon and Sheldon thought little of him, while Raj felt increasingly isolated by his single life in The Big Bang Theory’s later seasons. With Leonard gone, it is unlikely the gang would remain as intensely close. Leonard was the glue that held The Big Bang Theory’s friend group together, particularly after the main characters changed massively throughout the series. Howard’s character growth in The Big Bang Theory saw him transform from a sleazy creep into a family man.

Leonard’s death would fundamentally alter the group’s chemistry, and their strong personalities meant they were never far from dissolving in the first place.

As such, it would make sense if he no longer had as much in common with the single Raj. Similarly, Bernadette, Penny, and Amy often pointed out that they were mostly thrown together by the close friendship that their romantic partners shared. Although they developed a similarly close camaraderie, it is tough to tell how long this would last after Leonard’s death. Leonard was, as The Big Bang Theory’s protagonist, central to most of the show’s adventures. His death would fundamentally alter the group’s chemistry, and their strong personalities meant they were never far from dissolving in the first place.

1Leonard Being Dead Would Make Rewatching The Big Bang Theory Harder

Leonard’s Death Makes It Harder To Revisit The Big Bang Theory

This contributes to a broader meta-issue that is impossible to ignore when discussing Leonard’s potential death in The Big Bang Theory. Re-watching the original series would be harder if viewers were armed with the knowledge that Leonard died shortly after its finale. The friendship shared by the heroes, the love story between Penny and Leonard, and even their apparent happy endings would all be soured by Leonard’s death. The Big Bang Theory’s story hinged on its heroes hanging out and getting into scrapes, but Young Sheldon’s finale would cast a long shadow over this lighthearted fun with knowledge of Leonard’s impending death.

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