The Golden Bachelor: Gerry Turner’s Disappeared From The Public Eye (Signs He Regrets Divorce With Theresa Nist)

– Gerry Turner’s social media silence has raised questions about his feelings following his divorce settlement with Theresa Nist.
– Signs point to Gerry’s potential regret over the end of his marriage, including his lack of posts and comments about his romantic options.
– Despite logistical challenges, it seems like Gerry and Theresa’s short-lived marriage may have been essentially loveless, as shown by their quick split.

The Golden Bachelor’s Gerry Turner has largely disappeared from the public eye since settling his divorce from Theresa Nist, and there are signs that he’s regretting his failed marriage. When the 72-year-old retired restaurateur was announced as the lead of the Bachelor spin-off show, incredible single women in their 60s and 70s applied in droves for a chance to win the tall, attractive widower’s heart. The show was an instant hit. After an entertaining season of dates, outings and tears, Gerry gave his final rose, and a Neil Lane diamond ring, to 70-year-old day trader Theresa Nist.

Gerry and Theresa wasted no time planning their Golden Bachelor wedding, and they were married in January, just a few short weeks after going public with their relationship. The couple rode off into the sunset together, but they circled back only three months later to announce their split in April. Since news of the Golden divorce settlement in June, very little has been seen of Gerry, and he stopped posting on social media. Could Gerry’s sudden radio silence be due to the fact that he was regretting the end of his marriage to Theresa?

Gerry’s Silence Speaks Volumes
Gerry & Theresa Settled Their Divorce Recently

Gerry had been posting regularly on Instagram since he was announced as The Golden Bachelor, where he amassed a whopping 154K followers. Since news of Theresa and Gerry’s divorce settlement broke in June, Gerry has been extremely quiet on social media. He hasn’t posted to Instagram since June.

A few weeks may not seem like a long time, but compared to the previous rate at which he was posting, a few weeks of silence is a lifetime.

Other Signs Gerry Regrets Divorcing Theresa
Is He Trying To Make Her Jealous?

Gerry’s radio silence since his divorce settlement news wouldn’t be the biggest deal on its own, but some of Gerry’s other recent behavior also points to the possibility that Gerry’s working through heartbreak. Since the divorce, there has been a lot of speculation about Gerry and Theresa’s love lives. The Golden Bachelor was recently interviewed by TMZ, and he made some comments about the current state of his love life that raised eyebrows.

Gerry claimed that, since becoming single again, his social media account has been flooded by single women sliding into his DMs to express their romantic interest. He also said that women were even approaching him on the street to give him their phone numbers. Gerry claimed that he wasn’t ready to start dating again, so he had yet to contact any of the women. However, it felt like he was telling this story to remind Theresa that he was a highly desirable man with plenty of romantic options.

Why Couldn’t Gerry & Theresa Make It Work?
Location, Location, Location

A relationship’s complicated, especially if it starts on a reality television show between two strangers who live far away from each other. Before joining the cast of The Golden Bachelor season 1, Gerry lived in Indiana, where he had resided with his late wife of 43 years, Toni Turner, who passed away in 2017. Theresa lived in New Jersey, where she had lived with her husband of 42 years, until he passed in 2014. Since they both lived near their children and grandchildren, each was unwilling to uproot their life to pursue a new relationship with a relative stranger.

They spent months traveling back and forth to make the marriage work, but ultimately, neither wanted to be in a long-distance marriage.

In reference to Gerry and Theresa’s dispute over living arrangements, Gerry posted a photo to Instagram in which he’s wearing a graphic tee shirt that reads, “Indiana. It’s Not That Bad.” The shirt may have been a tongue in cheek message from Gerry to Theresa about her refusal to move to the Hoosier state. It’s great that Gerry has a sense of humor about the divorce, but the post was his last time Gerry was seen on Instagram.

Though logistics were a big part of the Golden divorce, there’s likely more to the story. The bottom line is that if Gerry and Theresa were really in love, they would have moved heaven and earth to make it work. The fact that they gave up after only three short months says that The Golden Bachelor season 1 couple simply weren’t that into each other. Thankfully, the couple had a prenup so they were able to walk away from the marriage with their finances in order. However, Gerry’s recent hiatus from social media suggests that he’s actually licking his wounds.

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