The Golden Bachelor: I Think It’s Time To Give Gerry Turner A Break

– Fans should give The Golden Bachelor’s Gerry Turner a break, as his divorce from Theresa Nist doesn’t seem to be his fault, and Theresa doesn’t hold a grudge against him.
– The Golden Bachelor women such as Susan Noles and Kathy Swarts have defended Gerry, and Golden Bachelorette star Joan Vassos is still good friends with him.
– Fans attacking Gerry’s wholesome Instagram posts show that some people can’t let go of their negative opinions, despite his charity work and positive impact.

The Golden Bachelor star Gerry Turner began his season as a hero, but allegations about his past and his divorce from Theresa Nist tarnished his image, but I think it’s time to give him a break. Gerry, a 72-year-old retired restaurateur from Hudson, Indiana, married Theresa Nist, a 70-year-old financial services professional from Shrewsbury, New Jersey, on January 4, 2024. However, just three months after the Golden Wedding, they announced that they were getting a divorce because they couldn’t decide where to live because neither one of them wanted to leave their family.

TheGolden Bachelor season 1 portrayed Gerry as a widower who hadn’t dated much since his wife, Toni, had passed away six years earlier after 43 years together. However, an exposé in The Hollywood Reporter alleged that Gerry had had a years-long relationship with a woman prior to filming the show. It also accused him of lying about his career, stating that he’d been working as a handyman before The Golden Bachelor. This destroyed people’s trust in Gerry, but his divorce from Theresa really turned him into a villain. However, it’s time to let Gerry off the hook.

Gerry Isn’t To Blame For His Divorce From Theresa Nist
Theresa Doesn’t Hold A Grudge Against Gerry

I find it strange that so many fans blame Gerry for his and Theresa’s divorce when Theresa herself doesn’t hold a grudge against the man. When Gerry and Theresa made their divorce announcement on Good Morning America, shared via Instagram, they declared that they still love each other. If Theresa blamed Gerry for the divorce, she wouldn’t have said anything positive about him. If she doesn’t fault him, then there’s no reason for fans to continue to rake him over the coals.

While many fans have accused Gerry of only marrying Theresa for her money or for the fame, there’s no indication that any of that is true. I believe that their divorce settlement proves this, as their prenuptial agreement guaranteed that they’d leave the marriage with only what they brought to it. Therefore, the accusations that Gerry was after Theresa’s money were completely untrue.

Gerry’s Golden Bachelor Women Have Defended Him
Susan Noles & Kathy Swarts Have Supported Gerry

On SiriusXM’s The Jess Cagle Show, shared via the SirusXM YouTube channel, The Golden Bachelor stars Susan Noles and Kathy Swarts were interviewed about the divorce. Susan defended Gerry, explaining that she had to support him because it was Theresa who decided not to move and not to quit her job, so he got frustrated, and she didn’t blame him. Susan also said that she never would have said that she’d move to Gerry’s hometown. Kathy added that Gerry is a nice guy and Theresa’s a lovely lady.

In addition, in an interview with ET, The Golden Bachelorette star Joan Vassos revealed that she and Gerry text all the time, and he’s a very good friend to her. If Gerry were as terrible as people make him out to be, then these strong, outspoken women wouldn’t be coming to his defense and remaining friends with him. I trust Susan, Kathy, and Joan’s judgment because, unlike most fans, they’ve actually met Gerry and spent time with him. I believe that Gerry has made some mistakes, but nobody’s perfect.

Fans Attack Gerry’s Wholesome Instagram Posts
Gerry Can’t Seem To Do Anything Right In Some Fans’ Eyes

One of the things that bothers me the most about the aftermath of the Golden Bachelor divorce is how fans have been attacking Gerry on Instagram. Even his wholesome posts about Father’s Day and Memorial Day have come under fire because some people feel that he’s acting as though the divorce didn’t happen and moving on too quickly. However, one of the things that I found most disturbing was when Gerry posted about his charity work for AGAPE of Fishers, Indiana, an organization that provides therapy for children with disabilities using horses.

One of Gerry’s followers wrote, “Who cares? Your few months of fame are up.” Gerry responded, “You don’t care that challenged kids can find therapy to help them learn to walk? Or to learn how to speak? This is a charity for innocent kids working hard to be normal as they can be. I forgive your insensitivity.”It’s hard to believe that Golden Bachelor fans are taking their hate towards Gerry so far that they completely miss the point of his positive posts that are helping people. I feel that it’s time to give Gerry a break and allow him to move on with his life.

Although it’s understandable that Golden Bachelor fans were disappointed when Gerry and Theresa got divorced after such a short time, I don’t believe that they have the right to attack Gerry. The divorce doesn’t change the fact that Gerry and Theresa’s love story gave hope to people that it’s possible to find love at any age. Gerry broke ground as the Golden Bachelor, and, although he was by no means perfect, he made an impact. It’s time to allow Gerry to move forward with his life in peace.

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