Fans Are Praising Gordon Ramsay’s Daughter Megan For Her Approach To Rating Food

Megan Ramsay won plaudits from fans online for how she gave feedback on various dishes, the job that her celebrity father is best known for. Ramsay is the daughter of fiery, Michelin star chef Gordon, often seen shouting expletives at contestants on one of his many television shows.

Gordon Ramsay’s reputation as a confrontational figure is well documented, although he does appear to be tougher on a show like Hell’s Kitchen more than he is on MasterChef, for instance. His history of squabbles involves a time a female contestant tried punching him on live TV. And she is not the only one who has wanted to fight him, either.

Unsurprisingly, people were curious to see whether his daughter would follow in similar footsteps, or be a lot more gracious in her reviews of the food.

Megan Ramsay “Stole The Show” From Her Father Gordon In His Own Series

Gordon Ramsay Megan Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay’s soaring career achievements make him an undisputed star, but fans felt that Megan overshadowed him with her performance on his own show. This was after she rated a number of dishes made by contestants on Hell’s Kitchen, especially for her 21st birthday.

“Gordon brings Megan in for not even 5 minutes and she already steals his own show,” a dazzled fan wrote on the YouTube comment section of a video from the episode. Another one responded directly to that sentiment, saying: “Certainly a daughter after Gordon’s heart.”

The audience members appear to have been so impressed by Megan’s approach, that they demanded to see her again. “Please bring her in to judge again, she was fair and gave actual good feedback!” one such request read.

The appreciation went beyond her good manners, though, which many in the comments attributed to her mother Tana’s parenting. She was also praised for her ability to taste and rate good food. “Megan Ramsay is nowhere near as brutal as Gordon Ramsay, but she does know what good food tastes like,” a keen YouTuber observed.

Another compared her style to that of her sister Tilly, writing, “Tilly is way brutal.” Some argued that Megan was simply representative of a much kinder generation: “I really like how the younger gen chefs seem much nicer and more supportive of one another.”

Megan Ramsay Enjoyed Most Of Her Birthday Dishes On Hell’s Kitchen

Megan Ramsay’s 21st birthday coincided with the filming schedule for the 20th season of Hell’s Kitchen. She featured in the sixth episode, which was titled Young Guns: A Ramsay Birthday in Hell!

The chefs were split into two groups, the red team and the blue team. Their challenge was to make three appetizers and three main courses for a special dinner celebrating Ramsay’s birthday. The appetizers included sticky wings, a lobster roll, and lobster mac and cheese, while the main courses featured chicken lollipops, soy noodles, and shrimp and grits.

Some of Megan Ramsay’s Comments on Various Dishes on Hell’s Kitchen:

Kiya Willhelm’s sticky wings: “[The are] very sticky. They’re really good, though, great seasoning as well.”

Steven Glenn’s sesame-crusted salmon niçoise salad: “There’s a lot going on, but the salmon is definitely cooked really well. I really enjoyed.”

Sam Garman’s scallop over a blood orange crème: “The sauce underneath is perfect. It’s not too thick and it’s not too light. I really enjoyed it.”

Antonio Ruiz’s lobster bacon mac and cheese: “It’s cooked perfectly… not too chewy, and not too soft.”

Trenton Garvey’s pepper jam chicken lollipops: “Seasoned perfectly, and the stickiness of the chicken with the sauce goes well together. I really enjoyed it.”

Megan judged the dishes head-to-head between the teams. With a final score of three to three, Megan Gill, a line cook from Texas, had her noodles chosen as the best dish, giving her blue team the win. This fact was not lost on one cheeky fan, who commented (on the same YouTube video): “It’s funny how Megan’s favorite dish was from the chef coincidentally also named Megan.”

While Ramsay was very clear in her choice of what she thought the best dish was, she was mostly complimentary of every meal that was presented to her in the competition. One comment that did catch her dad’s attention was when she said, “Lime goes well with tequila.”

“How do you know that lime and tequila go together well?,” Gordon posed to Megan. Fans noted that she froze for a moment, with even one claiming that she saw “her life flash before her eyes.” The birthday girl managed to salvage herself, though, retorting, “I’ve seen it on TV.”

Megan Ramsay Did Send Back One Dish That Was Served For Her Birthday

Gordon Megan Ramsay selfie

Megan Ramsay appeared to enjoy most of what was put in front of her during the challenge phase of the episode, including the dishes she didn’t actually pick as winners. It was a different story, however, when it came to the actual dinner service.

For that, the lady of the moment did not shy away from expressing her displeasure when one of the dishes failed to meet expectations. As part of the line-up for the evening, were all the menu items that she chose as winners earlier in the episode. Among these was a Pad Thai dish that Megan had chosen from her namesake as the best of all.

When the fresh food arrived, however, she noted that her plate was bland, compared to the tasty serving from Megan Gill when the teams went head to head in the reward challenge. She requested maître d’ Marino Monferrato to send it back to the kitchen. Gordon Ramsay demanded that the red team—who had specifically made Megan’s noodles—redo the dish.

Fans Also Supported Megan Ramsay’s Decision To Return A Subpar Dish

Gordon and Megan Ramsay

Megan Ramsay’s gentle side shone through when she complimented the contestants’ dishes during the reward challenge. When she came across one that was not quite up to scratch, she sent it back to the kitchen, which did demonstrate that she was not about empty platitudes.

This perhaps bought her enough credit with fans, such that they got behind her decision to request her Pad Thai to be redone. “When Gordon daughter send food back you know you mess up,” one supporter insisted.

There was also praise for Kentucky sous-chef Payton Cooper, who owned up to the mistake instead of gaslighting Megan as a nepo-baby who does not know what she is talking about. “At least Payton took responsibility for it, so many others would say ‘there’s something wrong with her palette, or it tastes fine to me,’” a comment expressing this perspective read.

“‘Something wrong with her palette’ would not even be responsible to say. She’s had good meals her entire life cooked by her father,” one more added.

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