Celebrating the pinnacle of British creativity in the Star Wars franchise

Celebrating the pinnacle of British creativity in the Star Wars franchise

GREAT Britain campaign, Disney and Lucasfilm have announced a unique partnership to celebrate the British creativity and inspiration of the “Star Wars” franchise.

Tôn vinh đỉnh cao sáng tạo của Anh trong loạt phim Star Wars ảnh 1

On December 9, the British government’s GREAT Britain campaign, Disney studio and film production company Lucasfilm announced a unique collaboration program to celebrate British creativity and inspiration in the series ” Star Wars” (Star Wars).

This collaborative initiative was announced before the new episode “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” premieres on December 17 in UK cinemas.

Several videos with British celebrities such as businessman and investor Sir Richard Branson, celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, and athlete Jessica Ennis-Hill will show how great British talent has contributed part of what made the “Star Wars” franchise the phenomenon it is today.

Each video will highlight Britain’s contributions to the “Star Wars” franchise in terms of creativity (with Sir Richard Branson), inspiration for future generations (with Jessica Ennis-Hill) and legacy from cinema (with Jamie Oliver).

Nearly 40 years ago the unlikely story between England and “Star Wars” began with the production of the movie “Star Wars: A New Hope at Elstree Studios.”

The filmmakers’ imagination, inspiration and creativity range from British art director Roger Christian’s lightsaber design, who created the prop from camera parts. spare parts and scraps obtained; to the Oscar-winning costume design of John Mollo, the British-born designer who brought the Dark Lord Darth Vader to life; and the key role of the London Symphony Orchestra and Abbey Road – which created one of the main themes in the galaxy.

The story continues with “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” filmed in England using genuine British talent on the production team and a star-studded cast including Oliver’s robotics skills Steeples and Lee Towersey, were recruited to create the robot R2-D2 along with British actors such as Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Gwendoline Christie to play Rey, Finn and Captain Phasma.

In addition, the Industry Trust group with the intellectual property awareness program, a British copyright training group, has released a 55-second video titled “Star Wars: Made GREAT in Britain,” for the Moments That Count campaign.

This inspiring new promotional video celebrates the pinnacle of British creativity and highlights why the film’s big screen launch starting on December 9 with the support of the British Cinema Society is a must. Valuable experience.

“England is the home of the ‘Star Wars’ franchise,” said Lucasfilm president and producer of “Star Wars: The Force Awakening.” Coming back to England feels like I’m coming home, especially with generations of production team members as they go back to the early days of making ‘Star Wars’ films. Star.’ I feel great to see the younger generation of filmmakers feeling these memories when they are participating in the production of new films.”

In 2013, British Finance Minister George Osborne announced that the new episode “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” would be produced in the UK.

Speaking before the launch of this new episode, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said: “Nearly 40 years ago, the British creative industry brought the movie ‘Star Wars’ to the screen. photo and I’m delighted that British talent both in front and behind the camera has been attracting the attention of film fans around the world.

“This episode itself represents a new chapter in the Star Wars saga and also represents a new chapter for the British cinema industry,” said First Minister George Osborne.

The Industry Trust Group also has its own reasons for successfully and effectively implementing copyright education campaigns.

The Moments Worth Campaign featured a video that inspired movie fans to support film and TV shows.

Liz Bales, CEO of the Industry Trust, an intellectual property awareness program, said: “The episode ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is one of The biggest hit movie of the year so we are extremely proud to receive the support of Disney and the UK’s GREAT Britain campaign.”

“We hope that the promotional video will be one of the most influential videos to date within the framework of the Valuable Moments campaign – it will inspire viewers, new and old, to have make the right choice by paying to watch movies the right way – that is, going to the cinema.”

Phil Clapp, Chief Executive of the British Motion Picture Association, said: “This partnership is an important milestone.

Those who have seen the original versions of the ‘Star Wars’ movies at the cinema will remember standing in line outside to buy tickets. ​A lot of people want to be the first to see ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ on the big screen. To meet this demand tickets are sold in advance and some cinemas even sell tickets 24 hours and the film will be shown all night during the week of the film’s release.

Promotional videos about this campaign “Star Wars: Made GREAT in Britain” (roughly translated as: Star Wars: Made in Britain) with the participation of Jamie Oliver, Sir Richard Branson, Jessica Ennis- Hill is available at: www.youtube.com/StarWarsUK starting December 7.


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