‘Twilight’: Kristen Stewart on Which of the 5 Movies She’d Love to Redo

Kristen Stewart spent four years portraying Bella Swan in the ‘Twilight’ movies. Which film would she love to do all over again if given the opportunity?

Although Kristen Stewart found success before and after the Twilight movies, she is still best known for being Bella Swan. For four years and five films, she portrays the vampire-loving human, earning millions of fans along the way. And while being the head of such a popular film franchise was challenging for the actor at times, she generally enjoyed her experience. But which of the films would Stewart love to redo?

When Stewart first signed up for Twilight, she had no idea it would turn into a franchise. Although the actor was aware that the saga had a built-in fan base, she had no idea how enthusiastic they would be. The eponymous book series by Stephenie Meyer caused millions of people to be interested in the film adaptations. And once Twilight became a box office success, Summit Entertainment greenlit the sequels.

Kristen Stewart names her favorite movie in ‘The Twilight Saga’
Stewart might not have expected a sequel for Twilight, let alone four, but she was willing to see her character through. She will go on to play Bella in New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn – Part 1, and Breaking Dawn – Part 2. And while each movie came with its own set of challenges and joys, she certainly has a favorite. It might come as a surprise to fans, considering the darker nature of the film, but New Moon is Stewart’s favorite movie in the franchise.

“It’s always been my favorite,” Stewart shared about New Moon with the Los Angeles Times. “I think the depths that are described in that and go from the forest to the bedroom to Italy. Oh my God, that’s why you live.”

In fact, the Spencer actor loves the second Twilight movie so much that she would want to do it again and try to deliver a better performance.

Why Stewart wants to redo ‘New Moon’
“If I were to do that movie now… I really, really, really, really wish I could go back and do that movie again,” Stewart explained. “I would just be better. But I love it and I had a great experience with [New Moon director] Chris [Weitz].”

While New Moon was Stewart’s favorite, she was certainly challenged by it also. One particular scene that intimidated her was Bella and Edward’s infamous breakup. In an interview with Collider, the Twilight actor shared that she had a limited frame of reference for the scene.

Why the breakup scene was particularly difficult for the ‘Twilight’ actor
“That was the scariest thing,” Stewart revealed. “I was almost as worried about messing it up than I was about what I actually should have been thinking about which was the issues that Bella is dealing with. Reading it, it’s so iconic. There’s nothing like that moment in reality even. It’s not even like a normal breakup scene. I know what’s it like to get broken up with but I don’t know what it’s like to get broken up with by a vampire who I’ve now been physically and chemically altered by.”

Even without the reference, Stewart managed to pull off the scene just fine. However, we’re sure Twilight fans wouldn’t mind if she took another stab at it one day.

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