After: 5 Reasons Why Hardin Is Toxic (& 5 Reasons Why Tessa Is Good For Him)

Wattpad is a popular online site and app that allows young writers to showcase their talents on a virtual platform. The app became so popular that it soon segwayed into many writers landing publishing deals with their stories. One, in particular, was the romance story by Anna Todd.

The story became a hit novel that later became the 2019 film, After. The story followed the whirlwind and tumultuous romance of a girl named Tessa (Josephine Langford) who falls in love with bad boy Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin). Hardin is the definition of a bad boy with issues. In the end, viewers ask themselves acknowledge Hardin isn’t good for Tessa as well as ask how a pure soul like her would do Hardin some good.

It seems as though Hardin never had someone stand up to him before. He’s the school bad boy who doesn’t like to be told what to do or be told otherwise. When he first meets Tessa, she challenges him in a way and doesn’t submit to his good looks. Later on at a party. Tessa is coerced in taking part in truth or dare.

She’s dared to go out of her comfort zone with Hardin. While Hardin puts on the charm, Tessa wants no part of it. She looks him in the eye and says she’s not playing the game and walks away. She later challenges his views of love when it comes to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.

Tessa in After

Hardin starts to fall for Tessa but can’t let go of his double standards. When he convinces Tessa to be friends, he throws things in her face when regarding her feelings. After their steamy moment at the lake, Holden changes his demeanor when his two friends join them at the diner. While it’s okay for Tessa to be seen with him, Hardin asks her to leave and pays attention to Molly (Inanna Sarkis).

The same occurs when Tessa makes it clear she has a boyfriend and Holden still gets jealous when he made it clear he didn’t date. Hardin expects a lot from her despite not reciprocating back. Hardin expects Tessa to still talk to him after having a hand in her breakup.

Tessa is a bright light compared to Hardin’s dark aura. What makes her good for Hardin is her ability to see the good in people. She comes from a secure and protective family environment. When she first meets her roommate Steph (Khadijha Red Thunder) her mother wants to immediately request a room change.

Steph is all about dark clothes, provocative and pushing the boundaries. But Tessa sees the good in her and is more than willing to give her a chance and develop a friendship. When Hardin tells her his feelings towards his father and his marriage, she’s seen the good in his father. Despite his father’s abandoning Hardin’s mother, Tessa sees that at last he’s trying at a new life and to reconnect with Hardin.

Hardin wouldn’t be a bad boy if he didn’t have a few anger issues. This is also the reason why he’s a toxic boyfriend for Tessa. Audiences first see Hardin’s anger when he gets mad at his friend for getting to close to Tessa. Instead of telling him to back off, he tackles him to the ground and starts punching him.

His second big outburst occurs after hearing his father is getting married. He destroys and breaks almost everything inside the house. He even lets the alcohol bottle smash inches away from Tessa’s feet. Distraught and angry at the wedding, he was ready to have an argument with his father in front of the guests.

Tessa believes that Hardin is simply misunderstood and needs someone to really care for him. But everyone around him disagrees and that he isn’t someone to easily fix. Hardin’s step-brother and Tessa’s friend, Landon (Shane Paule McGhie) tries to make her see that Hardin has his fair share of problems.

Tessa retorts saying that he’s different when he’s with her. Regardless, Landon tells her to be careful. When Tessa’s mother catches them together, she only sees his bad-boy persona. She’s based things on what Tessa’s ex told her. She suggests Tessa break up with Hardin and focus on school. Tessa fights back saying she wants to live her own life and be with Hardin.

Toxic Hardin: Played With Her Emotions From The Start
Tessa and Hardin swimming in a lake in After
In the beginning, it’s clear that Hardin is appealing to Tessa to get her interested. Hardin even tries to charm her in his room at the party. He then starts by putting on the nice guy image and offering to be friends. He then convinces her to go to the lake for skinny dipping.

While Hardin is somewhat aware that she’s in a relationship, he still uses his charm to get her to kiss him. He then opens up to get her more interested over dinner but then crushed her by giving her a brutal truth about not dating. It doesn’t make for a smooth relationship.

Tessa went to college with a set goal in mind. Go to class, major in econ or business, and get good grades. Over time Tessa starts to change. Compared to Hardin, Tessa is open to new experiences and to change her outlook on life. Hardin is too strung up on his anger towards his father and his overall image.

Instead, Tessa is open to trying and starts to realize what she really wants out of life and isn’t afraid to do it. She realizes her love for books and literature and considers switching to an English major while pursuing the idea of publishing. Being with Hardin, she also comes to realize the sheltered life she’s lived and tells her mother the truth. She also reconciles with her ex because of how much he means to her as a friend.

Toxic Holden: He Willingly Started The Dare
"The bet" as seen in the film After
What made Hardin toxic from the start was the reveal that his relationship with Tessa was just a dare. Molly shows the video of him proposing to get Tessa to fall in love with him and then shutting off cold turkey. The fact of the matter is that Hardin was willing to hurt Tessa this way just because she rejected him.

She hurt his ego and to get back at her and to prove himself, he proposed the dare. Hardin is toxic for the reason that he didn’t take basic emotions into play when regarding his scheme for Tessa. He never thought of what the bet would do to her emotionally and if she actually fell in love.

Tessa becomes the only person that Hardin can talk to despite the implications of the bet. He sees that Tessa wouldn’t judge him and would listen. He openly tells her his feelings towards his father getting married and opens up to her once she tells him what he means to her. This allowed Hardin to be his true self in a way beyond his bad boy facade.

At his father’s wedding, Tessa also listens to Hardin’s anger and helps calm him down to a point where he’s only focused on her. At the end of the semester, Hardin pours his heart out on their final paper about love. Tessa meets him at the lake and possibly gives a second chance.

Hardin was the one who proposed the dare to get Tessa to fall in love with him and then crush her heart. As he starts to see Tessa’s amazing qualities and how she’s good for him, he falls in love also. In the back of his mind, he’s recalling the dare. In their time together, Hardin never tries to tell Tessa the truth.

He acts selfishly and decides to have her believe their relationship started out honestly. In the end, she is heartbroken after finding out the truth from Molly and betrayed by Hardin and the fact that he was a liar. She’s betrayed that her feelings were manipulated.

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