Twilight: 10 Storylines Stephenie Meyer Wants Us To Forget

When Twilight first hit shelves in 2005, it immediately started a phenomenon in the YA genre. Its release also brought with it many fans and many naysayers. For people who read the novels, they either loved it or hated it—there was no in between. However, there was no doubt that this series changed the course of young adult fiction. It spawned five equally-popular films that made fans of the novels flock to the theater to get a first glimpse at who was going to play their favorite characters, and how their beloved novels would be brought to life.

1. Vampires Sparkling
Vampires weren’t exactly a new concept before Twilight. Of course, Bela Lugosi went down in history for playing Count Dracula in the 1931 movie of the same name. However, vampires at that time were known for sleeping in coffins and being afraid of the sun and garlic.

2. Edward’s Dramatic Disappearance
Twi-hards everywhere broke down when Edward broke up with Bella and left her in the middle of the woods. The scene in New Moon was undoubtedly dramatic and, not to mention, a little reckless on Edward’s part. The catalyst for Edward’s exit seemed justified—after all, Jasper did try to take out Bella—but Edward removed all evidence that he was ever in Bella’s life just wasn’t realistic.

3. Renesmee’s Aging
The whole concept of Renesmee’s aging is a point of contention among critics. Many look at this as a major plot hole in the entire series. Not only are people confused by her accelerated aging, but they also don’t believe that she could have been born.

4. Party in New Moon
Readers are first introduced to Jasper as a member of the Cullen clan who isn’t too keen on the whole “vegetarian” idea just yet. Because of this, Alice and Edward make sure he is under control around Bella. However, this goes out the door when Bella is invited over to celebrate her 18th birthday in New Moon. While opening a present, she gets a paper cut, which prompts Jasper to lunge at her out of thirst.

5. Jacob Kissing Bella in Eclipse
The dramatic Twilight series wouldn’t be complete without a good, old-fashioned love triangle. In the novels, it took the form of a battle between Edward and Jacob for Bella’s heart. This came to a climax in Eclipse after Bella goes to visit Jacob and he kisses her.

6. Bella’s Reckless Stage in New Moon
Talking about setting a bad example. After Edward leaves in the second novel, Bella resorts to drastic measures in order to see him again. These “drastic measures” include getting on the back of a stranger’s motorcycle, learning how to ride a motorcycle, and cliff jumping.

7. Charlie’s Knowledge of Vampires and Werewolves
Throughout the whole series, Charlie is one of the characters that viewers feel the worst for. It seems in every book, something bad happens to him. Whether it is Bella leaving in Twilight, Bella leaving him in New Moon, Bella almost dying in Eclipse, or Bella actually dying in Breaking Dawn, he is always kept out of the loop.

8. Jacob Showing Charlie He’s a Werewolf
Out of all of the scenes in the series, this next one ranks as one of the hardest to both watch and read. After Bella tells Charlie that she might have to “leave” again in Breaking Dawn, Jacob decides he has had enough secret keep and shows Charlie his “true form.”

9. Bella and Renee’s Relationship
Although fans may feel bad for Charlie, Renee is another character who is sometimes overlooked. After Bella leaves Arizona, pretty much all contact with Renee is cut off. In the films, Bella really only talks to her three times, and she really never lets her in on any part of her life.

10. The Cullen “Siblings”
Having the Cullen clan parade around as siblings may have seen like a good idea at first to Stephenie Meyer, but the resulting situation was just odd. Even though two out of the five siblings have different last names as to not raise suspicion, it is still hard to imagine that no one in the town of Forks took issue with their ruse.

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