Twilight: 15 Behind-The-Scenes Photos That Completely Change New Moon

From 2008 to 2012, there was always a debate going on over whether The Twilight Saga or the Harry Potter movies were the kings of Young Adult films. Twilight was the first series which had at least threatened Harry Potter’s star and made a big mark at the box office. Ultimately, The Twilight Saga wouldn’t come close to the critical and commercial success of Harry Potter, but it did kickstart a whole new fad of Young Adult movies. More than Harry Potter, The Twilight Saga is responsible for the creation of films like The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, and The 5th Wave; its success made studios sure that this genre has a large audience.

Bella On Bike
If you think car chase or bike riding sequences are easy work, then think again. They require a lot of security checks to be commissioned, because you don’t want your main actor to be seriously injured, or worse, if they go on one bike ride.

Inside the house
In The Twilight Saga: New Moon, Bella began a firm friendship with Alice Cullen, who offered her support during her difficult time. Along with Alice, Jacob was also a permanent fixture for Bella in the film; both these characters are here with Bella during her time of need.

Birthday Boy
The Twilight Saga: New Moon may have come out in November 2009, but it was filmed much before that. Robert Pattinson’s birthday comes in May, so you can figure out the gap between filming and release dates thanks to this picture.

Robert and Wolf
The werewolves you saw onscreen were either real or fake depending on the situation. Sometimes, where the person transformed into a wolf, the scene was CGI while other times they needed an actual wolf on set.

Robert receiving Instructions
We never see directors onscreen, so it can fool us that actors are just so naturally talented that they get their scenes don all by themselves. In reality, everything you see onscreen is devised by the director. The manner with which the actors say their lines is also helmed by the director; this is why you see the director giving Robert the pointers he needs for the scene.

Robert and taylor laugh
The characters of Jacob and Edward were hardly the best of friends, but from what we’ve seen of Robert and Taylor, they got along pretty well. The two even had a sizeable age difference, with Robert being a full six years older than Taylor; Taylor is still only 27-years-old.

Cast Photo
Promotional images are what set the fans’ appetites on course for them to go out and purchase tickets for the movie. In the late-2000s, with the Young Adult genre at its peak of success, the first look images were what the studios hoped would set the hype up.

Shooting in Italy
Almost all the actors will tell you one of the absolute best parts about being a big-time movie star is the fact that you get to visit all these far and beautiful places. For instance, The Twilight Saga: New Moon’s filming took the cast all the way to Italy!

Bella in water
Actors are paid handsomely for their contributions to the films they star in. For The Twilight Saga stars, just appearing in those five films must have provided them with money hundreds of us combined won’t make in our lifetimes.

Laughing with the director
Speaking of the director, he’s the one designing everything you see in the movie, so the job’s a pretty high-stress one. Chris Weitz must have been up last night to prepare The Twilight Saga: New Moon, because you can see him here looking very patchy indeed.

Crouching Kristen
From what we’ve seen of Kristen Stewart’s set photos, she never gave any trouble to the director; this only applies to the photos seen from the set of The Twilight Saga: New Moon, mind you.

Flinging Scene Instructions
At the beginning of The Twilight Saga: New Moon, a scene depicted where Edward tried to protect Bella and, to do so, he flung her far away from his bloodthirsty family members. Bella will crash into a table behind her and this is the scene that’s being filmed here.

Scary Fake Werewolf
We mentioned before how the wolves on set needed to be fake at one time and real at another, and here’s the best example we can find to be parallel to the earlier real wolf you saw with Robert. When the scene called for the wolves to attack, it seemed they weren’t always CGI.

Shy Robert
When The Twilight Saga: New Moon was being filmed, it was late-2008 to early-2009, this meant it fell well into the timeline from 2008 to 2012 where Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were an item. The two famous went four years without ever conforming they were together until Kristen was publicly unfaithful to them.

Goofing Robert
Like Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson was also criticized by many outlets for being rather drab and monotone in playing his character. Of course, considering Edward was supposed to be an undead vampire, Robert didn’t have much choice but to play Edward that way.

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