Three Grandmas Watch ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’

These adventurous ladies had some surprising opinions on the erotic adaptation.

You might not want to go see Fifty Shades of Grey with your grandma, but what about hearing what someone else’s thought of the erotic blockbuster?

The film adaptation of E.L. James’ best-selling BDSM novels broke box office records Presidents’ Day Weekend, raking in over $80 million dollars and ranking among the top-opening R-rated films of all time.

10 Things Anastasia Did In Fifty Shades Of Grey That Fans Can't Get Over

It’s a commercial success, but the critics are still out, so ET sought the opinions of three adventurous grandmas, who have previously reviewed Kim Kardashian’s sex tape, to the delight of their internet fans.

So what did Teresa Dahlquist, Josie Cavalluzzi, and Mary Bartnicki think of Fifty Shades of Grey?

“Way too much T and A,” Dahlquist, who gave the the movie a 4 out of 10 rating, told ET’s Brooke Anderson.

“It was a little too graphic for me so I walked out,” admitted Cavalluzzi, who gave the movie a 5 out of 10 rating. “Then I walked back in. The music was good, so I closed my eyes and listened to the music. The score was excellent.”

Bartnicki was the only grandma who truly loved the film, giving it a 9.5 out of 10 and maintaining that the adaptation stayed mostly true to the source material, though she had some casting notes.

“It was pretty close,” said Bartnicki. “But he [Jamie Dornan] was miscast, I hate to say that.”

“You can’t take the fact away that he was handsome, he’s a gorgeous guy,” Cavalluzzi agreed. “But I don’t think this was the part for him.”

They may not have loved it, but for the most part, the grandmas weren’t taken aback by the film’s racy nature.

“We’re lucky we’ve experienced good lovemaking in our lives,” Dahlquist told Anderson.

“We did everything but got whipped!” Cavalluzzi laughed.

As for their favorite parts of the film?

“When she said that she was a virgin and he looks her,” said Cavalluzzi. “Then he really wanted her and then he grabbed her. I liked that part.”

Bartnicki said her favorite moments were some of the infamous elevator scenes: “When he first kissed her, it was like ‘Wow, finally!'”

Dahlquist told Anderson that she liked the scene when Christian gives Anastasia a new car, joking that “she had earned it, because they had just done it right before.”

Check out highlights from the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack in the video below.

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