Twilight Saga: 10 Bella Swan Memes Fans Will Love

The Twilight Saga gained an incredible amount of fans who fell in love with the mysterious characters like the Cullens, fell in love with Bella Swan’s humble personality, and the universe that was Forks, Washington.

She Was Fearless
This funny moment from the first movie in the series, Twilight, was one that all fans will remember to be endearing and kind of hilarious. This scene is from the time in the first movie, that Edward Cullen invited Bella Swan to his house to meet his family. Bella, instead of being afraid of being in a house alone with a bunch of vampires, was sweetly only worried about whether Edward’s family would like her or not. This moment in the series proves that Bella was often fearless, and it definitely came out in laughable ways sometimes.

Her Commentary
Bella Swan definitely didn’t hold back when she was curious about something. This scene from the first movie, Twilight, proves that statement to be true. When Edward Cullen and Bella are working as a team in their science class, they strike up a conversation that seems to be a little questionable for Bella. Bella was definitely confused as to why Edward was asking her about the weather when he had previously seemed to revolted by her that last time they’d had an encounter in that same classroom. This moment in the first movie definitely shows a funny side of Bella and proves that her commentary was always amusing.

Her Jokes
Bella proves herself to have a good sense of humor throughout the entire Twilight series, and this moment from the first movie in the Twilight Saga proves that. During Bella’s first day at school in Forks, she was definitely a subject of interest to the students. Bella definitely had an air of mystery around her, and the students picked up on that, especially Jessica. Jessica first got a sense of Bella’s personality when she cracked this joke during gym class. Bella joked about being kicked out of Arizona, and Jessica’s reaction was seriously hilarious.

Her Relatability
Bella Swan showed fans that she was relatable when they were first introduced to this character. She was nervous about going to a new high school, nervous about her crush on Edward Cullen, and many fans saw themselves in her.

This Iconic Moment
Bella Swan fans know the moment this meme shows all too well. One of the most quoted, and most popular moments in the Twilight Saga, is the one in this meme. After Bella wakes up from giving birth to her daughter, and also her transformation into a vampire, she is given some news that she definitely found unsettling. This moment, when Bella finds out that Jacob Black had imprinted on her daughter, is one that “Team Edward” fans really loved. Bella’s anger at Jacob was hilarious and this moment was definitely one of the funniest in the series.

Her Recklessness
Alice Cullen points out what all fans were thinking in this meme that shows a moment from Twilight: New Moon. The moment that Alice appeared at Bella’s house after seeing a vision of Bella cliff jumping, is one that fans can remember perfectly. After the Cullens left Forks, any sign of a Cullen was a happy one. Alice points out Bella’s dangerous habits and definitely speaks for the masses. In this movie, Bella was reckless and dangerous, but that’s probably what made fans love her so much.

Her Stubbornness
Bella Swan had many strong personality traits. She was strong-willed, sensitive, and persistent. But perhaps her biggest trait was the fact that she was incredibly stubborn. She liked to do things her way, the exact way she wanted them. Bella was willing to negotiate on a lot but usually had the ball in her court.

She Stood Up For The People She Loved
Bella Swan was no stranger to arguments. She had no problem standing up to people she felt were in the wrong, even if it sometimes put her in danger or got her in trouble. One of those times, that this meme makes a funny joke of, is the time she stood up to Sam.

Her Love For Charlie
One of Bella Swan’s sweetest relationships in the Twilight series wasn’t with Edward or Jacob, but with her father, Charlie Swan. Charlie and Bella were more similar than either of them probably anticipated being, and they were incredibly close. Their relationship only grew stronger as the series went on, and fans loved this father-daughter duo. Bella’s love for Charlie was extremely obvious, even when she was changed and became a vampire.

Her Relationship With Rosalie
Bella Swan’s relationship with Rosalie Cullen was one that had tremendous growth. Rosalie, who was incredibly opposed to Edward even dating Bella in the first place, was also against the idea of Bella becoming a vampire and was sure not to hide her disdain. Bella, who always interpreted Rosalie’s feelings to be hatred, was still determined to have a relationship with her and came to her for help in one of the hardest times of her life when she became pregnant.

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