Twilight Saga: 10 Renesmee Memes Fans Will Love

Renesmee Cullen was definitely one of the more interesting characters introduced in the Twilight series. This character, who is the half-human, half-vampire, child of Bella and Edward Cullen, was the cause of a lot of challenging scenarios in this saga.

Not only was Renesmee dangerous to Bella during her pregnancy, but she also caused the family quite some trouble after she was discovered and assumed to be an immortal child, which was illegal for vampires to create. This character was loved by many and definitely enhanced the drama in this series! Keep reading to see 10 Renesmee Cullen memes that any fan will definitely appreciate!

Bella’s Reaction
This hilarious meme points out the fact that Bella found it incredibly odd that Jacob Black had imprinted on her daughter, Renesmee. The scene where Bella found out that Jacob had, indeed, imprinted, was definitely one of the most iconic scenes in the series. This meme plays on that and describes Bella’s feelings perfectly. Although Bella found it strange that he imprinted on her daughter, she was more upset that he felt he had a claim on her, which Bella did not like the idea of. This meme is totally laughable!

The Ups And Downs
The last two movies of this saga were filled with ups and downs that fans were definitely shocked by. The first, which this funny meme plays on, was the fear that Bella was going to die because of her pregnancy with Renesmee. The second was that once Renesmee was born, she was discovered by Irina, who believed her to be an immortal child, leaving the Volturi to attempt killing Renesmee and the Cullen’s. These situations were definitely chaotic!

Bella Fought For Her Daughter
This sweet meme plays on the fact that Bella was always fighting for Renesmee, and proves that their bond was incredibly strong.

Bella fights for Renesmee from the moment she found out she was pregnant, putting herself at risk for her child, proving that she will always fight for her, which as the series progresses, definitely proves to be true. Bella never stopped fighting, especially when it came to protecting Renesmee, which this meme shows so adorably!

Edward’s Reaction
Before Renesmee could speak, she was already causing her parents a bit of chaos. The moment that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee didn’t take Edward too long after to figure out, with his mind-reading skills coming into play. This meme hilariously represents how Edward must have been feeling about Jacob imprinting on his daughter, considering the fact that Jacob was always an issue in his relationship with Bella. This meme is one that any fan will find amusing!

Every Fan’s Reaction
When it was discovered that Jacob Black had imprinted on Renesmee Cullen, it was an incredible shock to fans who never saw that coming, especially for fans who were always “Team Jacob,” and rooted for Jacob and Bella to somehow end up together. This moment was definitely one that took some adjusting to for fans! This moment was an unexpected one and this hilarious meme points that fact out flawlessly!

Bella Hated Her Daughter’s Nickname
Bella was clear about one thing in the Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn: Part 2, and that was the fact that Jacob had nicknamed her daughter after the Loch Ness Monster. This moment was a funny one in the film and proved, whether Bella liked it or not, that Jacob and Renesmee already had a strong bond.

The First Time Edward Heard Renesmee
Edward Cullen was what he himself called, “gifted,” meaning he developed an ability after he was turned into a vampire. That ability, gave him the power to read minds, essentially hear everyone’s thoughts, until he met Bella, of course.

This Odd Dynamic
The hilarious meme shown here plays on Bella’s reaction to the fact that Jacob imprinted on her daughter, Renesmee, and points out to the odd dynamic between these three characters. Many founds have found themselves interested in how the story between these three characters will play out as Renesmee grew older since her eventual boyfriend was actually an ex-love interest of her own mothers!

Many fans had mixed feelings about the name that Bella chose for her daughter, and some of those feelings were definitely negative. Not every fan of this series liked the name Renesmee, and many have hilariously compared the name of this character to the word, “resume,” which is funnily joked about in his amusing meme. Any fan with similar feelings about Renesmee’s name will definitely enjoy the humor in this meme and there is no doubt it is laughable!

The Avengers
This funny meme compares the Cullen family to the Avengers, and it is actually quite comical. In the last film of the Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn: Part 2, the Cullen family truly came together as a strong coven to create an army against the Volturi in order to protect the newest member of their family, Renesmee Cullen.

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