Twilight Saga: 10 Rosalie Memes Fans Will Love

The Twilight Saga introduces fans to a number of iconic characters, one of them being Rosalie Hale. Rosalie, who was a member of the Cullen clan, was one of the most mysterious characters, as her reasoning and opinions were initially quite misunderstood until readers and viewers were given insight into her personal story.

This character was incredibly important to the series and turned out to be one of the most devoted family members in the clan, defending her family and her values, no matter the cost. Keep reading to see 10 Rosalie memes that any fan of Twilight will absolutely love!

Her Values
One of Rosalie’s most admirable qualities was the fact that she stuck by her values, no matter what. This character, who felt that a life of immortality was not the right path for Bella Swan, didn’t hold back when asked her opinion.

This funny meme plays on this and shows that Rosalie didn’t care about hurting Bella’s feelings when it came to protect her from a life she didn’t feel Bella deserved.

Bella’s Priorities
One thing that Rosalie was always incredibly clear about, was the fact that she disagreed with the way Bella viewed life, and how she wanted her life to pan out.

Rosalie believed, and was always vocal, about the fact that she thought Bella had a disregard for human life, and was taking her own life for granted by wishing to become immortal. This funny meme points this out flawlessly!

The Votes
Bella Swan, as every fan knows, was incredibly determined to become a vampire. It became so important to her, that she chose to accept votes from the Cullen family in order to decide whether Edward would change her or not.

This hilarious meme depicts Rosalie’s, as well as Edward’s reaction to the rest of their family voting in favor of Bella becoming immortal. These two characters finally agreed on something, and their reactions when the rest of their family disagreed was actually quite comical.

Her Story
Fans learned a lot about Rosalie and why she acted the way she did towards Bella when the story of her life was revealed. Rosalie shared with Bella that she was left for dead and attacked by her fiancé.

This meme shows how all fans felt when she revealed how she sought revenge on her fiancé and her attackers. This meme is one that any fan of this character will find amusing!

Her Revenge
The meme shown here pays tribute to Rosalie’s most iconic moment in the series, which, as all dedicated fans know, was when she killed the men that attacked her. This moment was incredible, and showed the lengths Rosalie was willing to go to for justice.

This meme shows the appreciation that fans have for Rosalie, and how she managed to overcome the unfortunate circumstances and struggles she had to face.

She Deserves More
Rosalie was often seen as cold, mean, and bitter. However, the reason she came off this way is only because of her troubled past, leaving her with strong opinions. This character, although it may have seemed that she simply didn’t care, actually acted the way she did because she cared so deeply.

Rosalie proved in the end, to be a loving, kind character, willing to do anything for those she loved. This meme represents how much more Rosalie deserved!

Edward & Rosalie’s Relationship
Rosalie and Edward Cullen were among many characters in this series that did not necessarily get along. These two characters were almost always in disagreement about something, and their rivalry was definitely always present.

What made their arguments all the more entertaining, was definitely the fact that Emmett Cullen was always an innocent bystander, simply watching the two people closest to him hash things out. This hilarious meme is one that shows this funny dynamic perfectly.

Sweet But Psycho
One of the most compelling storylines in the entire series is definitely Rosalie’s, who was brutally attacked by her fiancé and a group of his friends. This moment was one that allowed fans to understand Rosalie better, and why she felt so strongly in certain circumstances in the series.

This meme shows Rosalie wearing her wedding dress, which she iconically wore when she sought out revenge against her attackers.

A Feminist Icon
This meme shows all the reasons that fans loved Rosalie Hale and her story so much. Her character was incredibly strong, stood up for what she believed in, and was loyal to those she cared for.

The meme shown here shows the accuracy behind her storyline in the films, which many fans wish had been more involved, as only a small portion of her story and personality was reflected in the movies.

This hilarious meme perfectly portrays Alice Cullen’s reaction to the time that Rosalie told Edward that Bella had died after jumping to her death from a cliff. This situation caused Edward to travel to Italy in order to be killed by the Volturi, which didn’t happen, thanks to Bella and Alice’s rescue mission.

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