Star Wars: Is Obi-Wan Straight, Gay, Asexual, or Bisexual?

As one of the most popular Jedi Masters of all time, Obi-Wan Kenobi is often the topic of discussion among fans of Star Wars, especially regarding his personality and the different things he did in the history of this fictional universe. Of course, people often talk about different things about Obi-Wan, including his sexuality. So, was Obi-Wan straight, gay, asexual, or bisexual?

Facts point to the possibility that Obi-Wan Kenobi was straight, and this is because it was established in Star Wars: Clone Wars that he and Satine Kryze were in love but never in a true relationship. But some sources point to his possibility of being bisexual or asexual.

The thing about the Jedi is that they were never allowed to get married or have romantic relationships because Jedi are supposed to ensure they are free from worldly attachments. As such, it can be difficult to ascertain the sexuality of some of the most popular Jedi in Star Wars, Obi-Wan included. Now, let’s talk more about Obi-Wan Kenobi’s sexuality.

What Is Obi-Wan’s Sexuality?
Out of all of the different Jedi Masters we’ve seen in the storyline of Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi was the one that received a lot of screen time and was one of the characters that were given a bigger story compared to the other Jedi Masters. This is because he has a close connection with the Skywalker family, as he was the one that trained Anakin and was the one that secretly looked after Luke.

kenobi and satine

Of course, Obi-Wan’s story was given more attention in different television series, Star Wars: Clone Wars and Obi-Wan Kenobi. While we got to see more of Obi-Wan’s personality and how he approached his life, he is like any other Jedi because he was never allowed to have romantic relationships. This is because the Jedi are asked to forego their worldly attachments due to how attachments to people and things would only lead them to the dark side.9

In that regard, Obi-Wan Kenobi, like almost all Jedi, did not get married or even have romantic relationships. Still, this didn’t prevent fans from making speculations about the popular Jedi Master’s sexuality, especially because some sources allow us to see that he might have been in love at one point in the past. So, what is Obi-Wan’s sexuality?

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At this point, the facts would point to the chances that Obi-Wan Kenobi was straight and attracted to women. This can be seen in Star Wars: Clone Wars when there was some sort of romantic tension between him and Duchess Satine Kryze, the leader of the New Mandalorians of Mandalore. And while Clone Wars continued its story, it became clear that Obi-Wan and Satine used to be in love with one another.

Based on that, one would easily conclude that Obi-Wan Kenobi was straight and only attracted to women. But some sources point to the possibility of Obi-Wan being anything other than straight.

Of course, some sources say that the original Obi-Wan actor, Alec Guinness, was bisexual but only came out late in his life because how bisexual and gay actors were often seen in a different light during his younger years.

Certain ppl are forgetting Obi-Wan was originally played by a Bisexual actor, Alec Guinness, who was marred by self-hatred due to societal homophobia

So having the char Alec originally played over 45 yrs ago actually come out as bi & be unashamed is meaningful on numerous levels

— 💚Al🏮-Tired-DemiDude (@GreenHalover) July 27, 2022
But while the actor and the character are not the same people, Obi-Wan could also be bisexual. This was something that was suggested in the Padawan novel that was released in 2022. The book focused on the story of Obi-Wan when he was still a young Padawan working under Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Here is an excerpt that suggests that Kenobi may have been bisexual.

“Casul: Not many choices around here. I don’t think love is in my future, either, and I’m fine with that. As long as I have the Power to keep my family safe, that’s enough for me. Though I will admit I’ve been curious about kissing and why Audj and Zae-Brii enjoy it so much. So if you’re ever curious, too, let me know.

Obi-Wan blushed. ‘I will. Let you know, I mean. Not that I will do that, right now, with you. Or anyone’. Would he ever get to a point where kissing someone felt like anything less than a betrayal of himself and the Jedi? And if he did get to that point, who would he want to kiss? The Lenahrans were confident and charismatic, which was attractive.

But he couldn’t imagine just… kissing any of them. Maybe he didn’t want to be with any of them but rather to be more like each of them. Or maybe he wanted to kiss all of them.”

The excerpt suggests that Kenobi may have been attracted to young teenagers when he was still a teenager. After all, he thought about kissing someone and suggested possibly kissing Casul.

However, some fans believed that he could be asexual as he probably wasn’t attracted to anyone then because he said he didn’t want to think about kissing someone. Of course, he might have only thought about that because of how it would have been a betrayal to the Jedi Order.

Then again, we can’t say for sure whether or not the book does suggest that Kenobi may have been gay, bisexual, or asexual because it might have been that he thought about as a young teenager that was yet to be truly aware of his sexuality. After all, a lot of young teens go through phases of experimenting with their sexuality before they understand who they are.

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As such, because of how Clone Wars clearly showed that Obi-Wan and Satine were in love, as Kenobi even suggested that he would have left the Jedi Order for the duchess long ago if she admitted her love for him, we are leaning toward the possibility of him being straight instead of bisexual or asexual.

Was Obi-Wan In A Relationship With Someone?
When Obi-Wan and Satine reunited during the entire Mandalorian mess that happened during the events of the Clone Wars, it was clear that they had a past with one another. However, it was never established whether or not they had a relationship. But we can conclude that they were in love and that Obi-Wan was willing to leave the Jedi Order if Satine admitted her love for him.

In that regard, while Kenobi was in love with the Mandalorian duchess, what was clear was that there was nothing that manifested out of this love for one another. And that was probably his only chance of being in a relationship with another person, as Jedi were forbidden to be in love while in the Jedi Order.

Even after the fall of the Jedi Order, Kenobi decided to live a solitary life that focused more on communing with his fallen master, who had become a Force Ghost, and looking out for Luke Skywalker. As such, Obi-Wan never had the opportunity to be in love again and be in a relationship with another person, even though nothing held him back.

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