Twilight Saga: 10 Alice Cullen Memes Fans Will Love

Alice proved her importance to the Twilight series on multiple occasions. Fans love her for it and celebrate her in some great memes, a few seen here.

The Twilight fantasy franchise creates a fair number of iconic characters. Other than Bella and Edward, one of them is Alice Cullen, a member of the Cullen vampire clan and one of the most sympathetic characters of the series. Unlike her sister Rosalie, Alice was kind to Bella to the start and as viewers and readers learned more about her past, they began to like her even more.

Alice’s Special Talent
Alice might be the shortest member of the Cullen family, but underestimating her isn’t a good idea. Not only does she possess the heightened strength and speed typical for vampires, but she can also see the future and is a very determined person. What Alice wants, Alice will also achieve, sooner or later.

For example, Alice decided she and Bella would be friends even before she first talked to her – and that’s exactly what happened. Some would call Alice’s determination annoying, but in this meme posted by Luuuz, Alice believes it’s a special talent.

She’s The Boss
Alice is connected to Jasper from the start of the story right to its finish. It’s interesting to see that their relationship changes the stereotypical model of a hetero relationship that many people still believe in – that the male has to be the dominant one in the romantic relationship. This meme by trish is quick to point that’s not always the case.

Best At Compliments
One thing that’s refreshing about Alice and easily makes her a fan favorite is that she’s very open about her feelings and opinions. This meme posted on, highlights Alice’s welcoming personality.

When Alice first meets Bella and talks to her in the Cullen home, she goes as far as to hug Bella and then points out that Bella does smell good. Edward doesn’t react with enthusiasm to Alice’s remark, but Alice just shrugs it off and continues with her plan to befriend Bella.

Everybody Loves Alice
Alice is not only an honest person but also a sympathetic one who seems to get along with humans with ease her brother Edward could be envious of. So much so that even Bella’s father Charlie who’s protective of his daughter and doesn’t seem to like Edward very much, at least in the beginning, grows to like Alice very fast. Alice is proud to share this fact in this meme, posted on Pinterest by a user called Stardust.

It’s Family Time
Despite all her good character traits, Alice is still a vampire and as such, she can be deadly if she so chooses. Unlike Emmett who seems to thrive in fighting others, Alice does prefer more civil solutions, but she also joins a fight when it’s needed.

Alice Is Never Late
Alice’s and Jasper’s relationship was in many unusual ways. Most notably because Alice knew she would find and love Jasper even before it happened.

This meme, posted by Just Jalice on Tumblr, cleverly points out that Alice took their relationship in a slightly different order, as she apparently got her ring 28 years before she and Jasper started dating. If anyone could pull this off, it’s Alice with her extraordinary ability to see into the future.

How Alice Imagines Fun
Alice seems to prefer living a somewhat peaceful life with her family. Even though it later becomes obvious she’s isolated from others since she jumps at the chance to befriend Bella, a new arrival into the Cullen family circle – unlike Rosalie who hated Bella at first.

Bella Prefers Alice
No matter what some of the readers and viewers of the Twilight series thought about their relationship, Edward and Bella were the OTP – the one true pair. However, that didn’t stop some fans from shipping Bella with other characters, such as Rosalie… or Alice.

Jasper’s The Best
It sometimes happens that supporting, side characters become more popular with the fans than the main heroes. Twilight worked with multiple characters who were much more intriguing than Bella and Edward and had a complex past – such as Jasper. The handsome, talented, and distant (to humans) vampire became so popular among the fans that even Alice herself, with her ability to glance into the future, wasn’t able to predict it in this meme, posted on fanpop by a user called 675.

Alice’s Greatest Power
This list wouldn’t be complete without at least one distracted boyfriend meme, this one made by Mina and posted on their Tumblr. In the final film, an epic fight erupts between the Cullen family, their allies, and the Volturi clan. Some of the vampires die in the fight, even those the audience will expect to survive.

However, as it’s soon revealed, the whole fight was just a vision Alice had and showed to Aro who then decided to not attack the Cullens. This is the ultimate proof that Alice has the potential to save the day since, without her powers, the fight would have no doubt happened.

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