“The Golden Bachelor” Contestants Dish on What Dating Is Like After the Show

“The Golden Bachelor” Contestants Dish on What Dating Is Like After the Show

“None of us thought we’d be in this place — and it’s lonely in this world of couples. It’s way more fun when you go on this journey with new friends.”

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If you’ve been watching The Golden Bachelor, there’s a good chance you’ve felt a kinship with at least one of the contestants — especially if you’re the same age. Even if you’re not 60+, who can’t relate to their hilarious mishaps, commiserate with their warranted whining, and appreciate their wisdom and portrayal of female friendship? But you likely feel even more bonded to them if you’re in their age bracket and happen to be single.

That’s because The Golden Bachelor is normalizing later-in-life courtship. OK, dating 20 women at once in a mansion in front of millions of viewers isn’t exactly normal — but, up until now, it’s been “acceptable” for any eager-for-fame 20-year-old. It’s about time those over 50 (heck, over 30!) got the same treatment.

And, sure, Gerry’s great, but for us, the most profound part of this show has been seeing these women open up about what it’s like to be single at this stage of life. And it seems that’s been the most empowering part of the journey for the contestants, too. One of our favorite quotes from the season came from Joan as she left the show: “My heart got a little fixed from Gerry. He’s helped with the journey because as you become older, you become invisible. People don’t see you anymore. You become less significant than when you were young.”

And there’s more heartwarming inspiration where that came from. As we gear up to find out who Gerry picks in the Golden Bachelor season finale, we chatted with the former contestants to find out what they learned about love from this experience — and what their dating lives look like these days. Spoiler alert: Their DMs are very open.

The most important lesson that I learned from my experience on The Golden Bachelor was to be kind and open to receiving love. Meeting new people and listening to their stories has made me realize that there are so many people out there who want to love and be loved. I always believed I was a woman who needed a man, but I now realize that I’m a woman that a man needs.

I don’t think I’ll rush back to the dating sites or aggressively search anymore; I truly believe I will attract the right person. At the moment, I’m not dating, but I did make some really amazing friends on the show and plan to spend some time with them. I get so many emails from people sharing their stories, and it makes me feel special that they trust me. I love helping other people.

I learned two important things about dating at this age. First, we are expected to be strong and in control as the matriarchs of our families, and that doesn’t work in the dating world. You have to allow that part of you that’s been cooped up for so long to come out — be vulnerable and open to letting someone in that makes you feel like you’re the one who’s cared for. Second, you don’t have to navigate the somewhat uncomfortable dating at this stage of life alone. Find your tribe: those women who have found themselves single in their 60s and 70s. None of us thought we’d be in this place, and it’s lonely in this world of couples. It’s way more fun when you go on this journey with new friends. I learned that at the Bachelor mansion and I’ll never go it alone again!

I wish I could say that my dating life has changed a lot, but I’m still single and looking. I’ve had many, many people reach out asking to meet — or to marry them, which is hilarious — and quite a few women who have widowed fathers that they’d like to set me up with. I’m being very cautious, though, because I feel vulnerable, both safety-wise and emotionally. To be honest, I still don’t have it figured out, but what I do know is that I went on The Golden Bachelor looking for love and I left with an even more intense feeling of needing it. I felt that glimpse of hope that I hadn’t felt since my husband’s passing. But I’m open to any dating advice!

After being on The Golden Bachelor, I will never again question if I am enough — I am! I know that I’m strong and optimistic, and have a strong moral compass. I have a great sense of humor and I’m grateful for every experience and adventure that I’ve had and will continue to have. I would love to find the second great love of my life, and I will continue looking, but my approach is different. I don’t need a man to complete me; I would like to have a man to love and laugh with, a man who wants to share this last chapter of our lives with me, but I’m complete just the way I am. I will continue putting myself out there. If I’m doing the things that make me happy, I’m hoping that the right person will come into my life. I have hope. However, DM me if you think we might be a great fit! My dating life is picking back up.

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