10 Things That Still Need To Happen In Blue Bloods Season 14 Before It Ends (p1)

Blue Bloods Season 14 needs to wrap up these stories by the finale for a satisfying conclusion to the long-running police family drama.

– Blue Bloods must tie up loose ends in season 14 for a satisfying conclusion to the series.
– Danny and Baez’s unresolved relationship and potential romance need to be addressed.
– The series should provide closure for key characters and storylines, like Jamie and Eddie starting a family.

Blue Bloods needs to wrap up several story threads before the end of season 14. The Tom Selleck-led police drama is unique because it focuses on a family of three generations of police officers. Each character not only deals with a crime each week but also gets into conflicts with other family members, and Blue Bloods features a family dinner scene in each episode. The family-centric storylines have contributed to the series’ popularity, making ​​​​​Blue Bloods a fixture on CBS on Friday nights.

Blue Bloods has been canceled after season 14 despite the series’ popularity. There has been a large fan-led movement to save the series and some of the stars have signed on, but unless CBS changes its mind, the series will end after the second half of season 14 airs during the fall of 2024. This means that Blue Bloods needs to wrap up all of its outstanding storylines by the end of the season in order to provide a satisfying conclusion to the series. Here are ten storylines that need to be resolved before the series finale.

10. Danny and Baez’s Relationship Needs to Be Resolved
Even If He Doesn’t Decide To Date Her, The Question Should Be Settled

Danny’s relationship with his current partner, Maria Baez, has divided the fandom and left the question of whether they will become more than colleagues and close friends up in the air. Danny has been a single dad since the death of his beloved wife Linda at the beginning of season 8, and more recent episodes have teased a potential romance between him and Baez that needs to be addressed. Moments such as Danny and Baez’s near-kiss during Blue Bloods season 12 have suggested there could be something more between them, and Danny has admitted during season 14 that the only reason he hasn’t moved on is that he’s afraid of losing a second life partner to death. Whether or not Danny and Baez ultimately decide to date, Blue Bloods should settle the status of their relationship before the credits roll for the final time.

9. Jamie and Eddie Start Their Family
It Would Wrap Up The Series Beautifully If They Had a Baby By The Finale

Jamie and Eddie are currently the only married couple. Their pairing is popular enough that their wedding is considered one of Blue Blood’s best episodes, and having a baby together is the logical next step. The series might not have wanted to get tied up in baby drama as it could detract from the police procedural aspects of the show. Big family milestones such as Jamie’s wedding and Baez’s adoption of a little girl have been side stories rather than the main focus of the episodes they took place in for this reason.

However, the news that Jamie and Eddie are expecting would be a great note to end the series on. Giving them a baby would open a new chapter in the Reagan family history. It would be especially emotional if they named the baby after Henry, the oldest living member of the family.

8. Frank Retires As Police Commissioner
The Tension Between His Professional And Family Duties Are At The Heart of The Series

Most of Frank’s storylines revolve around his duties as NYPD Police Commissioner in one way or another. Sometimes, he has to remain impartial when one of his sons gets into trouble at work, while on other occasions he butts heads with whichever mayor he is serving under at the time or with his staff. Given the importance of Frank’s job to Blue Bloods as a whole, the only logical ending to the series would be for him to step down from his post.

Fittingly, there is widespread speculation that Jamie might be appointed the next commissioner. Even if that doesn’t happen, Frank’s retirement would close the chapter of his life that Blue Bloods has depicted for the past 14 seasons. Blue Bloods season 14 has already set Frank’s retirement up during episode 1 via a conversation with Mayor Chase and should continue in this vein throughout the remainder of the season.

7. Catch Up One Last Time With Jack and Nicky
Danny’s Oldest Son and Erin’s Only Child Should Return to New York To Wrap Up The Series

Sunday dinner with the Reagans is an iconic part of Blue Bloods, but two seats have been empty for far too long. Nicky (Sami Gayle) left after Blue Bloods season 10 to take a job with a liberal think tank in San Francisco, leaving the more conservative Frank without his sparring partner. Jack (Tony Terraciano) also left the series to attend college around the same time.

Both characters have made sporadic appearances since, but neither has yet appeared during season 14. While both actors have other commitments and cannot return full-time, it would be fitting for their characters to attend the final Reagan family dinner. The series wrap-up should include information about what they are up to now, and a Reagan family reunion during the final episode would be the perfect way to accomplish this.

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