Why Latest Blue Bloods Episodes Were a Letdown & When It Will Be Fixed

Blue Bloods fans are frustrated with Season 14 so far. Here’s why the finale’s first part hasn’t been great — and why we should expect better from the second part.


– Blue Bloods Season 14 is the finale of the iconic police drama, but so far, fans have been frustrated with its quality.
– S14 Part One was made under severe time and budget constraints and without the knowledge of the upcoming finale.
– We expect Blue Bloods to make Part Two truly special considering now the crew has both the time and the motivation to make it so.

As you all know, Blue Bloods Season 14 is the finale of the show. For all we know, finales are supposed to be special when a show’s creators know about it in advance — but with Blue Bloods, the current season has been nothing short of a letdown so far. It might seem like a lost case to many, but it really isn’t, and here’s why.

Blue Bloods S14 Part One: Why Is It So Bad?

If you hop on your social media after every new Blue Bloods Season 14 episode, you’ll see just how frustrated fans are with the show’s current direction. Instead of something special and memorable, showrunners and writers are seemingly throwing the most bizarre, mundane, and downright boring storylines at us. Why is that?

The Hollywood strikes severely hampered the series that hadn’t had a big budget even before that, with the entire cast and crew taking 25% paycuts just to keep Blue Bloods afloat. After months of stalled work, the show needed to get Season 14 out fast — or, rather, its first part. Its writing and production were rushed, and there was no time to plot out something special…

And really, there was no reason to do so: the cancellation news came much later.

Blue Bloods S14 Part Two: Will It Be Good?

To summarize, Season 14 Part One is underwhelming due to the lack of time, resources, and motivation to make it better. But while it might be a disappointment to many, we believe there’s no reason to give up on Blue Bloods just now: if showrunners know what’s good for them, Part Two will be much, much better.

Like most other shows, Blue Bloods split its current season into two parts, and the second one has all the reason to be that special grand finale we want it to be. Unlike before, now showrunners and writers know that Season 14 is the TV show’s last dance — they’ll want to make it great, and now, they have the time to achieve that.

Right now, Blue Bloods has both the motivation and the time to set up something special for Season 14 Part Two. It might be lacking the resources, but the cast and crew already proved they’re willing to take the fall if it helps the show… So if anything, we genuinely expect the true Blue Bloods finale to be the best this show has been since its first seasons.

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