A passing comment by Paramedic Lizzie Novak (Jocelyn Huddon) in Chicago Fire Season 13 hinted at her feelings for Chief Dom Pascal (Dermot Mulroney). She told Violet (Hanako Greensmith) that Pascal was kind of attractive, and given her dating record, she might have been honest about her desire to pursue a romantic relationship with him. TV Line asked Mulroney what he thought about Novak’s comments, and the actor admitted that this was the first he heard of it. “I don’t know about any of those comments, really. I read what’s in the script, but I don’t dwell on it because I don’t hear it. Of course, it creates this interesting tension, but I don’t have any answers to that, either,” the actor admitted. He added:
“I think what we continue to prove is that there is kind of a special type of respect between them. But how that’s been defined yet, I don’t know… I think he’s pulling for her because she keeps proving herself. That’s, like, his rule: If you measure up to the standards, you’re good.”
Mulroney’s comments echo similar sentiments shared by Huddon. While there might be something special about Novak and Pascal, it’s not romantic. “She kind of has his back, and he’s got hers, which is so interesting across age and across gender. If that’s how they’re playing it out, more power to them. We should see those types of respect in our work culture,” Mulroney said.
‘Chicago Fire’ Should Keep Novak and Pascal’s Relationship Platonic, Argues Dermot Mulroney
Pascal’s recent loss of his wife is one reason why he and Novak should not be in a relationship. Mulroney said that showing a respectful relationship between coworkers is of great importance. He compared the firehouse to the film industry and how much they share. “We have that [respect] in filmmaking, I’ll tell you what, more so than in politics or in team sports. People are so respectful, crew to cast, cast to everyone they work with. It’s a remarkable place to be, and the more you see how hard people are on other people in their work space, the more I respect people who work in my industry because we do treat each other in the most remarkable way,” Mulroney said. He added:
“So they see that on Chicago Fire. I’d love if the storyline was supporting that. That would be amazing because that’s how people should be. And some of the stories on Chicago Fire are written in that way, so you see people behaving properly and making the right choice for their family or for the people that they work with. It’s cool the way that adds up over time.”
Will Chicago Fire keep Pascal and Novak purely platonic? Tune in to NBC on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET to watch new episodes and find out.