Twilight: 10 Best TikToks About The Saga

Twilight: 10 Best TikToks About The Saga

Twilight is still one of the most talked about film franchises, for better or worse. Here are the best TikToks about the movies!

Although Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are now associated with more prestigious films like The Batman and Spencer, both actors got their start in the extremely popular film franchise, Twilight. Between the five different films in the saga, there has been immense hype built around the fantasy series.

The Vampire Running Is Always Comical
One of the tell-tale signs of a vampire is the intense speed at which they run. However, in the Twilight films, the running is a little bit goofy, especially in the first movie when production had a significantly smaller budget.

Robert Pattinson Is Notorious For Making Fun Of The Movies
Any fan of the movies knows that Robert Pattinson has never been shy about his dislike for the movies he starred in, calling out the weird and uncomfortable plot lines multiple times. The sarcastic jokester could always be seen in interviews struggling to give thoughtful and series answers to questions, but that’s partly why fans love him so much.

The Cast Is Very Attractive All-Around
From Kristen Stewart to Robert Pattinson, viewers will always applaud this stunning cast. Although not everything is about looks, it definitely helps viewers to get through the at-times silly movies.

User @hopemichaelson19 put together this video meme demonstrating just how many attractive actors and actresses are part of the franchise. Although some of the Volturi vampires don’t often get much love, the video is a quite hilarious depiction of just how passionate fans can be about the Twilight actors.

Twilight’s Plot Was Always… Questionable
No offense to author Stephanie Meyer, but some fans just can’t let these logistics go. From the extremely old ages of the Cullens to the fact that they sparkle in the sun, the movies have no lack of weird characteristics that cause viewers to scratch their heads.

TikToker @swagborski points out two of the most hilarious, and ridiculous, plot points of the movies, including how borderline predatory Edward and Bella’s relationship is, not to mention Jacob literally imprinted on their baby daughter. However weird some of the plot points may be, fans will always be extremely dedicated to the franchise, and they love the fact that they can poke fun at the ridiculousness of it all.

The Movies Definitely Have A Massive Cult Following
From the books to the blockbuster hit films, it’s no secret that the franchise was wildly popular at its release, and still is. Not to mention the fans are not just casual viewers, they are as extreme and dedicated as it gets.

A TikTok user by the name of @nikki.spice shared with the platform that she had participated in a large watch party for the final two movies and she was definitely entertained. From the screaming and cheering to the word-for-word lines recited from the audience, it goes to show just how dedicated the fanbase is to the extremely successful franchise.

The Behind The Scenes Shots Were Surely Uncomfortable
With any fantasy movie, there is naturally going to be a lot of help given by the special effects team. Between the werewolves and the special vampire abilities, there are a lot of scenes that require a good bit of imagination, as well as immense post-production editing.

The Saga For Sure Has Its Cringey Moments
Even the most diehard fans of the series know just how cringeworthy the movies can be. Between the dialogue and the special effects, there are plenty of moments to make fun of, let’s be real.

TikTok star @theonlycb3 re-enacted some iconic, yet cringeworthy scenes from the first Twilight movie and fans were absolutely dying at the accuracy of it all. From the laughable lines to the overdramatic expressions by Kristen, Charles absolutely hit the nail on the head with his parodies.

Nobody Could Forget The Iconic Baseball Scene
Although the first movie was meant to be slightly more serious than Stephanie Meyer’s book, fans were glad that there was a touch of humor and personality added, like with the memorable baseball scene. The unnecessary acrobatics were entertaining and yet, it was still a cool, action-packed scene that gave the movie a hint of uniqueness.

First-Time Reactions Of The “Lochness Monster” Scene Are Priceless
While it was already quite disturbing for Bella to discover that Jacob had worked fast to imprint on her newborn daughter, another detail managed to somehow catch her by surprise even more. Apparently, Jacob also thought it was appropriate to give Renesmee a nickname, Nessy, which could also strangely be a nickname for a certain Lochness Monster.

Breaking Dawn Part 2’s Battle Scene Was So Intense
The battle scene between the good guys and the evil Volturi will forever live in fans’ hearts, as it is one of the most thrilling fight scenes in recent cinematic history.

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