Predictability vs. Character Development: Analyzing The Rookie Season 7, Episode 9

The midseason premiere of The Rookie season 7 had much to live up to following the thrilling previous hour. Thankfully, “The Kiss” doesn’t disappoint. Since episode 8 is one of The Rookie season 7’s best outings yet, episode 9 still falls short of meeting that impossible standard. However, “The Kiss” serves as a satisfying, albeit predictable, ending to the midseason finale’s jaw-dropping cliffhanger, which featured a member of the Sixth Street Devils gang shooting James and Kylie while driving by the community center.

Episode 9 begins right where the last episode left off. After hearing the gunshots, Celina rushes outside, sees James and Kylie bleeding out on the ground, and calls for help. Throughout the hour, James and Kylie’s lives hang in the balance while The Rookie season 7 characters search for the shooter, Connor, and try to clear Harper’s name. They are successful, and everyone (except for Connor) gets a happy ending. While the episode could have featured higher stakes, it still nicely caps off season 7’s first half, clearing the way for new stories.

The Rookie Season 7, Episode 9 Is A Satisfying Conclusion To Episode 8’s Cliffhanger

The Hour Is Emotional From Beginning To End

In the wake of the shooting at the end of episode 8, the midseason premiere takes full advantage of the emotional situation to pull our heartstrings and provide a gratifying ending to the previous cliffhanger. Consequently, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the hour’s story, largely thanks to Mekia Cox’s performance. Harper is, without a doubt, one of the ABC show’s most underrated, underutilized characters. Now, though, Cox’s character is finally getting the screentime and attention she deserves.

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