‘That Would Be an Interesting Exploration’ – S.W.A.T.’s Anna Enger Ritch & Annie Ilonzeh Tease What Could Shake Up the Show Next!

We’ve seen them put their lives on the line time and time again for the citizens of Los Angeles, but what kinds of circumstances do the actors behind the fan-favorite series, S.W.A.T., hope to see their characters in in the future? Well, if you were to ask series stars Annie Ilonzeh and Anna Enger Ritch, like Collider’s Michael Zimmermann did, you’d get a pretty personal answer. That’s because the two women would like to see more pieces of the story, investigating their characters’ lives after they take off their badges and go home. Recently speaking with the series’ stars just ahead of the penultimate episode of Season 8, Zimmermann picked their brains about where they would like to see the storyline go, should the title be renewed for a ninth season.

Understanding the ups and downs that come with having loved ones at home while leaving the house every day, unsure if you’ll come home, Ritch said:

“I think it would be interesting to see the women go through trying to juggle what it would be like to have a family and also maintain a SWAT tactical officer career. I don’t think that’s anything I’ve ever dove into on this show particularly, but hopefully, as we continue, should we continue, that would be an interesting exploration.”

Piggybacking on Ritch’s initial response, Ilonzeh echoed that she’d be interested in seeing more of her character’s romantic life, adding:

“Yeah, maybe some dating life. What’s going on? What about some social aspects? What about the nightlife? What’s going on after she swipes on Tinder?”

Annie Ilonzeh and Anna Enger Ritch Have Hopes For a ‘S.W.A.T.’ Night Out

Annie Ilonzeh as Devin Gamble in S.W.A.T.

While viewers see the team members of S.W.A.T. work together week after week in some incredibly harrowing situations, we never really get to see them let their hair down. This is something that both Ritch and Ilonzeh would love to see happen in the future, with the latter telling Zimmermann, “I would love to see some nightlife.” And, apparently, the idea for the gang to go out and let loose has been on the table for quite some time now, as Ritch explained:

“When are we going to see the squad go to Vegas? We’ve been pitching that forever! … Check it out: 20 Squad’s got a three-day weekend, we head off to Vegas, things are going to go sideways, and all of a sudden…”

While she didn’t reveal her full pitch, Ritch teased that she had already been talking to one of the show’s writers about the off-base episode, adding, “One of our senior writers, Ryan Keleher, we’re constantly talking about what our Vegas episode would look like, and hopefully, we have an opportunity to explore that.”

The final episode of S.W.A.T.’s eighth season arrives on CBS on Friday, March 7. You can watch previous episodes on Paramount+.

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