ABC promoted Station 19 and Grey’s Anatomy‘s fall finale crossover event as an intense episode in which “tragedy strikes one of our own,” but, as it turns out, that “one” was Meredith Grey’s beloved house and not firefighter Maya DeLuca-Bishop. Maya’s potential rock bottom remained a self-contained story for Station 19 instead of carrying over to Grey’s Anatomy. This decision wasted an opportunity to improve the two shows’ ability to interact cohesively.
A lightning storm hit Seattle during Station 19 Season 6, Episode 6, “Everybody Says Don’t,” but no one from Grey’s Anatomy visited the firefighting drama. Instead, in Grey’s Anatomy Season 19, Episode 6, “Thunderstruck,” the firefighters arrived at Grey Sloan Memorial with a man from the helicopter accident on Station 19. They only reappeared in the episode’s final minutes to put out the fire at Meredith’s house. The most consistent character in the crossover event was Carina DeLuca-Bishop, who mentioned Miranda Bailey’s clinic opening on Station 19 and saw that through on Grey’s Anatomy. But what about Carina’s wife Maya?