Station 19 Season 6 Episode 14: The Shocking Twists That Left Fans Stunned!

Station 19 already had many firefighters go through ups and downs this past season, but season 6, episode 14’s twists impacted haracters in a way that could really upend the firehouse’s future. Starting with Jack’s family problems and continuing with Maya’s mental health crisis, Station 19 season 6 already had its fair share of threatening events. However, between Dixon’s blackmail folder and part of the firehouse learning about Chief Ross and Sully’s relationship, Station 19 season 6, episode 14’s twists indeed risk causing even more drama for the rest of the season.

Despite Station 19 season 6 slowly establishing some future for Eli and Andy’s romance, Travis hooking up with Eli and nonchalantly revealing it to both Andy and Vic surely changed things between Eli and Andy, but also Eli and himself. However, given Eli’s anger at his decision to drop out of the race without consulting him, there’s unlikely to be a future for the two anytime soon in Station 19 season 6. Between Dixon’s proof that could cause Chief Ross’ fall and how betrayed the firehouse can potentially feel learning about Sullivan’s lies, Station 19 season 6, episode 14, “Get It All Out,” surely included many considerable twists.

Maya Doing The Right Thing Means She’s Truly On The Way To Recovery

Maya wouldn’t have faltered at the chance of regaining her position as captain at the start of Station 19 season 6, choosing her career no matter who would have hurt as a result. While Station 19 season 6, episode 14 had Maya technically contact the FD union to unveil the proof Dixon had given her in season 6, episode 13, she didn’t try to contact them again once she could. Instead, Maya chose not to keep the secret, confessing it to Carina and Andy, even admitting to Carina that she genuinely wanted to go back to being a captain, but not like that.

Maya consistently choosing to do the right thing in Station 19 season 6, episode 14, while also not giving in to fear and continuing to do her job in Station 19 season 6, episode 13, proved her steadily on the way to recovery. Maya’s therapy with Diane in Station 19 season 6 clearly bore its fruits, making her more similar to season 1’s Maya, who pursued her career goals but did so fairly, without using gimmicks that might destroy others. This puts Maya firmly on course to a full recovery, something that would have seemed unbelievable only in Station 19 season 6, episode 7.

Station 19 S6 Has Chief Ross In The Worst Possible Spot For Sully

Although Chief Ross choosing Theo Ruiz to lead Station 19 deeply affected Sullivan in Station 19 season 6, episodes 13 and 14, being a woman in a position of power and continuing a secret relationship with one of her lieutenants clearly pointed out she had the most to lose between her and Sully. Sullivan’s career had, after all, taken a big hit after admitting he used drugs while on call, but he had already started moving up the ladder in Station 19 season 5. Instead, Chief Ross continuing a relationship with her subordinate might just end her career, especially as she chose to protect Station 19 against the police force.

Natasha already gambled with her career by continuing her secret romance with Sully, but his faltering support in Station 19 season 6, episode 14, only made things more difficult. After all, Natasha was already the one risking the most while also suffering the relationship’s secrecy just as much as Sullivan, but she seemingly lost Sully’s support in Station 19 season 6, episode 14, making her situation unbearably heavy. Admitting their love for each other might have just proved Station 19 season 6, episode 14’s silver lining, but with Dixon’s impending blackmail and their relationship in a tough spot, it doesn’t seem things will continue going Natasha’s way in Station 19.

Theo Needs To Overcome His Doubts As Captain Or Station 19 Will Suffer

Station 19 season 6, episode 14 only confirmed Theo’s insecurities as captain, already established in episode 13, showing him going from a place where everything needed to be by the book to one where he was constantly on edge and badgering his team. Learning that Andy refused his spot might actually convince him that nobody wants to undermine him. Moreover, Travis’ Station 19 season 6, episode 14’s speech will also hopefully get Theo to worry only about fires in the future.

Still, Station 19 season 6, episode 14 outlined Theo’s cracking at the seams. If Theo doesn’t get it together soon, not only will Station 19 detest him, but he’ll also risk turning into what he wished to avoid, Beckett. As he repeated multiple times how he learned from his past mistakes as an inexperienced captain, Theo should learn to trust his team and stop double guessing it, especially as he only became Station 19’s temporary captain, and he could do amazing things with them if he only trusted himself and them as a team in Station 19 season 6.

Travis Dropping Out Might Have Just Ruined Things For Him & Eli

Travis’ reveal to Vic and Andy that he surprisingly slept with Eli most likely ended things for Andy and Eli, but his decision to drop out of the mayoral race might just as well tanked Travis’ romantic chances with Eli. Given how Eli always unwaveringly supported Travis’ values and goals as a mayoral candidate and was his campaign manager, conceding to Councilor Osman without consulting him essentially went against Eli’s efforts as his campaign manager and blindsided him. Eli might eventually forgive Travis in Station 19 season 6, but some time must pass, especially as Travis dropping out of the race left Eli without a job.

Maya’s Revelation To Carina Means Their Relationship Will Survive

Maya’s inclination to understand Carina despite feeling obviously jealous of her going out for drinks with Pam, along with telling Carina about her negative impulses to do Dixon’s bidding, heavily hinted at their relationship surviving in Station 19 season 6, episode 14. Indeed, by sharing her secrets and worries instead of building up walls, Maya truly started rebuilding the foundations like she said she wanted in Station 19 season 6, episode 13. This all points to Maya and Carina eventually reuniting officially later in Station 19 season 6 because of Maya’s steady recovery and Maya and Carina both leaning on each other and nurturing their beautiful partnership.

Theo Might Be Station 19’s Captain But They All Go To Andy With Problems

Maya going to Andy with Dixon’s blackmail folder might have just been proof of Maya getting better in Station 19 season 6, episode 14, but it also highlighted once again how everybody always goes to Andy for advice. Between Jack’s suspicions about why Ross would not promote Sullivan and Vic’s ideas to organize a party to show the team’s support to Theo as captain, all initiatives went through Andy. Despite refusing only to be the interim captain of Station 19, Andy is still the glue that holds the firehouse together.

Andy will surely have much to recriminate to Sullivan, especially as she gave him multiple chances to come clean about what he was hiding. Whichever way Dixon’s blackmailing of Ross comes to an end, Andy would have still been the person everyone at Station 19 approached to solve problems. Whether Beckett returns soon as captain or Theo continues as interim captain, Andy’s influence over her crew will unlikely waver, especially if she succeeds in halting Dixon, truly making her the best chance as captain of the firehouse in Station 19’s future seasons.

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