Twilight: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Edward And Jacob’s Relationship

Twilight: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Edward And Jacob’s Relationship

Edward Cullen and Jacob Black had a complex relationship that went beyond rivalry – here are some memes that sum it up!

The Twilight renaissance is still going strong well into 2022, with brands like Hot Topic resurfacing their Twilight Saga merchandise and once more asking the fandom the now age-old assignment: Team Edward or Team Jacob. Of course, real Twi-hards know that the decision isn’t an easy one, with the choice between the two love interests not being as black or white; Both Edward and Jacob have their faults and points of redemption. Moreover, the two had a much more complex and nuanced relationship than the simple rivalry they’re always stamped with, and there are millions of memes to prove it.

Jacob’s Contempt Causing Complications
Jacob Black’s strong feelings toward Edward and his kind often get the better of him, inciting a much more aggressive, short-tempered, and irrational side of him that he seems can’t help but release at the mere mention of the vampire.

All Bark, No Bite
For two supernatural monsters always afraid of losing control around Bella and depicted as natural enemies, Edward and Jacob certainly do show a lot of restraint when it comes to fighting one another.

Edward In The Way
Jacob’s crush on Bella goes way back, until the two will make mud-pies together like kids. Having Bella back in Forks made Jacob ecstatic, but she soon turned her attention to the brooding and sparkly vampire she met in Biology class.

Awkward Shift In Dynamics
Even though they started the series off as the top contenders for Bella’s romantic partner, Edward and Jacob eventually ended up in a very different relationship by the end of Breaking Dawn.

Having imprinted on Renesmee, Jacob becomes an uncomfortable (and completely inappropriate) in addition to the already plenty of meme-able Cullen clan as Edward and Bella’s future son-in-law. The absurdity and Edward’s discomfort at this equally unpleasant new relationship with Edward is shown by @twilightreborn.

Hotter Than You
Jacob is never one to disguise his feelings about Bella, or his intention to try and win her love and cause her to leave Edward for him, contributing to the many times when Bella and Jacob made fans cringe.

While Edward is insecure around Jacob, Jacob flaunts his overconfidence by constantly asserting that he is better for Bella than Edward will ever be and making sure that Edward hears his loud judgments. Doesn’t matter if they are aloud (like in Eclipse’s tent scene) or spoken in his head, as referenced here by @twilight_blue_tint.

Jacob Black Ahead!
Things were not all smooth sailing for Edward and Bella before Jacob’s permanent entry into Bella’s life. From the outcomes of the baseball outing to Jasper attacking Bella and Edward running away, the couple certainly had their issues. Not to mention the many times Bella and Edward made fans cringe.

However, there’s no doubt that Jacob’s presence in their lives certainly complicates things for the pair, as hilariously captured by this Instagram user. This is especially true for Edward, who had to watch Bella fall in love with someone else, even if she ultimately loved him more.

Edward’s Understanding
Edward knows that Jacob is an important part of Bella’s life and that he is a big reason that she was able to move past some of the hurt his abrupt departure caused her. He even admits on several occasions that Jacob is better for Bella than he is, and that Jacob and Bella share a strong bond that he doesn’t quite understand, but respects nevertheless, portrayed here in this post by @twilightrenaissance.

When Jacob kisses Bella, he isn’t mad about the kiss but the fact that it happened without Bella’s consent, emphasizing again his understanding and patience when it comes to Bella’s unresolved feelings for Jacob.

Together Forever
Even if he tries to be kind and understanding about Bella’s relationship with Jacob, it certainly is a sigh of relief for Edward when Bella marries him and Jacob finally seems to accept that his love will not be reciprocated the way he wants.

But alas, as shown by this meme shared by Redditor Ceianna_Mariesy, that relief is short-lived once Jacob imprints on Renesmee and Edward realizes he is stuck with him for all of their eternal lives.

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