10 Twilight Book Quotes The Movies Should’ve Included, According To Reddit

10 Twilight Book Quotes The Movies Should’ve Included, According To Reddit

While the Twilight Saga films gained immense popularity and success, Redditors think including these book quotes would’ve furthered their charm!

The Twilight Saga’s influence and continued legacy are evident even in 2022, with old fans reliving their nostalgia through the Twilight renaissance and new fans being won over by the same movement. Amidst all this resurgence, fans have also acknowledged all the ways cringe-inducing or underrated film scenes and themes could have been better explained by the inclusion of some great quotes from the books.

“Your Lips Are Still Blue…”
Redditor ACDaizy thinks that quotes that should’ve been added to the films are ones delivered by Jacob “from Eclipse in the tent scenes,” specifically when he slyly offers to warm up Bella’s lips in front of Edward.

“The Clouds I Can Handle, But I Can’t Fight With An Eclipse.”
Despite the many things about Bella and Jacob’s relationship that make no sense, Redditor schneidenat0r stated that they’ve “always loved the post-battle chapter where Bella goes to see injured Jacob, and they have a beautiful, bittersweet conversation.”

“I Can’t Always Be Lois Lane. I Want To Be Superman.”
While the Twilight films have been declared one of the many films ruined by a whiny protagonist, the Bella Swan of the books has a lot more personality and many more admirable traits and moments than her on-screen adaptation.

“Happy Endings, We Would All Be Under Gravestones Now.”
When it comes to quotes that should’ve been included in the Twilight films, Redditor brocarly was rooting for all of Rosalie Cullen’s “Would you like to hear my story, Bella?” monologue.

Although Eclipse gave some insight into Rosalie’s backstory and her stance on vampirism, the omission of this quote undermines just how much Rosalie loathes her existence and wishes for a different ending. The inclusion of this quote would have further explained Rosalie siding with a pregnant Bella, while further explaining her initial hostility towards the awkward human girl who had the ability to be everything Rosalie could not.

“I Bit A Pillow. Or Two.”
While there are many times when Edward and Bella made fans cringe in the movies, they have a much more complex and intriguing relationship in the books. The two lovers have many cute, intimate moments together in the books that portray their more playful and charming moments, such as Edward’s response when Bella asks why she’s covered in feathers in Breaking Dawn.

“The Wasting Of Finite Resources Is Everyone’s Business.”
Edward Cullen is certainly the brooding and always apologetic young vampire depicted in the Twilight films. However, he is also a lot more than that in the books. Redditor RoamingGhosts stated this quote as one of their “favorite lines from the books, I absolutely love it.”

“Maybe He’ll Think I Fell In The Washer.”
One of the biggest differences between the book version of Bella Swan and her on-screen adaptation is how stoic and bland the films posit her to be. Redditor longluca1496 wished the films had included any playful remarks made by the protagonist, stating they “miss sassy Bella. The movies didn’t do her justice at all.”

All Of Edward And Bella’s Meadow Talk
For those who haven’t read the books, the Bella and Edward romance will feel all too rushed, with Bella finding out Edward is a vampire, deciding that’s fine, and the two immediately becoming a couple, perhaps part of why the two are one of the most popular movie ships Reddit can’t stand.

“Humans Can’t Smell Blood.”
Edward and Bella have a lot more interactions in Biology than shown in the films, such as when Bella faints in class and Edward takes her to the nurse.

Redditor PM_Me_Nordic_Legends misses this quote especially, since Edward “just kind of accidentally implied he’s not a human.” Although the quote has been interpreted differently by much of the fandom, the inclusion of it in the film would have undoubtedly added to Edward’s charm, showing him to be the confused, young, and quirky vampire he so often is in the books, instead of just the uptight Bella-protecting bore of the films.

“You Balanced Out The Clouds Nicely For Me.”
Although the books present a more balanced argument for both Team Edward and Team Jacob in Eclipse, the film’s portrayal makes is heavily biased toward Edward, making it seem like Bella is barely into Jacob. This quote, however, shows the depth and truth of Bella’s feelings for Jacob that are erased from the film.

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