9 Queen Charlotte Characters We Want To See More Of In Bridgerton Season 3
With Bridgerton coming back in 2024, the series needs to feature some of the characters who appeared in the spinoff show about Queen Charlotte.
9. Brimsely
As Queen Charlotte’s right-hand man, Brimsley has had an interesting storyline dating back to her first years as a newly wedded queen. Brimsley is never far away from the queen and picks up plenty of gossip from the ton as she hosts audiences. Since he is always seen at the queen’s side, Brimsley’s background in the Bridgerton universe has plenty of room for expansion. His story in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story brings attention to the fact that he is gay and in love with the king’s secretary, Reynolds.
8. Reynolds
Reynolds played an important part in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story as Brimsley’s lover and the king’s secretary. He was revealed to be gay and having a passionate affair with Brimsley, Queen Charlotte’s right-hand man. Despite being a major character in the prequel, there is no mention of him in Bridgerton. According to actor Hugh Sachs, Reynolds’s fate was explained in a deleted scene as an older Brimsley meets him again after years of being apart. This scene could be included in Bridgerton season 3 and could help wrap up the romance storyline between Brimsley and Reynolds.
7. Coral
While Queen Charlotte has Brimsley to help, Lady Danbury has Coral. As a lady-in-waiting during Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, Coral was on hand to help with anything that Agatha might need, and the two were close. While Coral hasn’t appeared in Bridgerton yet, the character’s return could help show how far Lady Danbury has come over the years. Coral is a funny character with a little-known background and has strangely not even been mentioned by Lady Danbury. While Coral might have left, it would be good to see how she’s doing.
6. Lord Ledger
Violet’s father, Lord Ledger, greatly influenced her life and doted on her. His homemade party hats were well-loved and appreciated by the people who received them. Bridgerton season 3 could expand on Lord Ledger’s love for his family and the aftermath of his affair with Lady Danbury. Since he has not been shown in Bridgerton yet, the assumption is that he died off-screen sometime before the events of the main show. Since Bridgerton is famous for incorporating flashback sequences, this could be used to explore Lord Ledger’s relationship with his daughter and wife or the relationships with his grandson, if he ever met them.
5. Lady Vivian Ledger
Violet’s mother, Lady Vivian Ledger, was one of the ton who reluctantly accepted Charlotte as the new queen in the Bridgerton spinoff. A stickler for perfection, she was dismayed to hear that the Black members of the community would be socializing with the rest of the ton, and she was very hard on her daughter to be a proper young lady. While it’s possible she passed away before the events of Bridgerton season 1, it would be interesting to see what she thinks about her daughter’s marriage.
4. The Danbury Children
Agatha’s children are very rarely mentioned or seen in the Bridgerton universe. Since Dominic Danbury only appears in a brief role, seeing the rest of the Danbury children in season 3 would make sense to better understand Agatha’s personality and feelings toward her children. Since Dominic is now Lord Danbury, audiences could see him again in either this upcoming season or later on as he adjusts to being the now-grown-up head of the household.
3.Lord Danbury
Even though Lord Danbury has been long dead by the time Bridgerton season 3 rolls around, bringing him back in a flashback or even a mention could help explain his relationship with his wife and family. While Agatha did not think fondly of her husband while he was alive, Bridgerton season 3 could introduce how she met him or what their life was like before Queen Charlotte.
2. Princess Augusta
As Queen Charlotte’s mother-in-law and the authority on all palace matters, Princess Augusta ruled in her son’s stead, due to his mental health challenges. Since the real Princess Augusta died in 1772, it is assumed that she has been long dead in Bridgerton, but her influence should continue to affect the queen to the present day.
1. Adolphus
As the queen’s brother, Adolphus made sure to do everything to keep Charlotte in line before her marriage contract to bind her to King George. He falls in love with Agatha Danbury and ends up going home heartbroken after she rejects his marriage proposal. Bridgerton season 3 could show how Adolphus has been since that time, as well as cover his relationship with his sister Charlotte over the years. Bridgerton could also expand on Adolphus and Charlotte’s childhoods before she met the king and show what their relationship was like when they were growing up.