“9-1-1 Season 8: Is This the Golden Time for ‘Buddie’ to Come True?”

If you’ve been paying attention to the 9-1-1 fandom over the past seven years, you know there’s one couple that fans can’t get over: Buddie.

At least, we wish they were a couple.

That’s right, folks. Between the bees, kids flying planes together, and Bobby’s new gig in Hollywood, we still think about our favorite fireboat.

Who is Buddie?
Of course, Buddie is the nickname fans have hilariously given to the couple Evan “Buck” Buckley and Eddie Diaz.

In a huge win for LGBTQ+ representation, we learned that Buck was bisexual in Episode 4 of Season 7 of 9-1-1. Before that, there was technically no official reason to believe that either he or Eddie might be LGBTQ+.

We won’t talk about all the conversations Buck and Eddie have had since Season 2 of 9-1-1 that were clearly flirtatious.

We won’t even mention the number of life-threatening injuries these two have experienced that have caused each other to react like an unhappy spouse.

While we’re being generous, let’s ignore the number of scenes between Buck and Eddie that were shot to mirror scenes between major couples like Bobby/Athena, Chimney/Maddie, and Henrietta/Karen.

Now that Season 8 is underway, the writers haven’t made it a priority to quell Buddie fans.

In fact, Buck’s overstimulating moment in Episode 1 of Season 8 of 9-1-1 (which many speculate may have confirmed that Buck is mentally ill, by the way) has given Buddie fans more ammunition than ever.

In the seconds before he wrestles with Gerrard, Buck hears two voices playing over and over in his head: Gerrard’s voice and Eddie’s voice.

While Girard’s voice contributes to Buck’s panic, Eddie’s seems to be a comforting voice designed to bring him some balance in that moment.

Before you criticize me for Buck and Eddie being best friends, I get it.

I’m the first to defend and advocate for platonic relationships.

In fact, I’m generally against pairing male friends in intimate relationships, especially when one or both of them are gay.

I think doing so can send a message that reinforces toxic masculinity and suggests that men can’t be intimate without romance.

Still, nothing in the world can convince me that Buck and Eddie aren’t madly in love.

And there’s never been a better time for them to admit that to themselves (and each other).

First of all, Buck’s current boyfriend, Tommy, is not a good person.

When we first met him in 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 12, we saw a man who happily accepted racist and homophobic jokes when they were thrown at Chim and Hen.

For some reason, it seems like everyone is ignoring that right now. But once Buck finds out who Tommy really is, he won’t be able to ignore it.

Eddie’s mental health has been in a bad state since Christopher left for Texas. Until his son comes home, Buck is all he has.

The two of them have only grown closer during Christopher’s absence.

We know Buck has taken Chris as his own, and he’s also struggling with the decision to leave the child.

Buck and Eddie have a chance to realize that they are family and go pick up Christopher together when he is ready to come home.

I know what you’re thinking.

“But Haley, Eddie isn’t gay!”

Okay, I’ll tell you that he hasn’t shown that side of himself, if at all.

But that doesn’t mean it can’t be a part of Eddie, which helps explain why he has such a hard time with women and never feels truly happy with anyone.

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