9-1-1 Recap: A Deadly Crisis Reveals Another Painful Secret From Bobby’s Past—Plus, Look Who’s Home!
Raise your hand if you were completely fooled by ABC’s promo for this week’s 9-1-1, which led viewers to believe we’d see an hour-long standoff between Bobby and Amir (Malcom-Jamal Warner), the nurse who lost the love of his life in a Minnesota fire Bobby started years ago.
To be fair, there was a brief confrontation in a sketchy abandoned house. And Amir did hold a knife to Bobby’s throat at one point. But the two were more allies than enemies, working together to escape a gang of murderous coyotes near the southern border.
The emotional moment also brought back memories of Bobby’s childhood, revealing the horrific event that began his tumultuous relationship with alcohol. As a child, Bobby idolized his father, a decorated firefighter—enough to excuse his abusive, alcoholic tendencies, even after it forced his mother and brother to leave the house.
Bobby essentially became his father’s caretaker, until the day he accidentally started a small fire in the kitchen while cooking dinner. When his father passed out drunk, Bobby was forced to call 9-1-1 to deal with the fire, which only angered his father. Bobby sought refuge in his bedroom, drowning out his father’s voice by turning up the volume on his Walkman.
Unfortunately, that prevented Bobby from hearing his father fall to the living room floor, where he hit his head on the coffee table and bled to the floor. Bobby didn’t find out until the next morning, when he discovered his father’s body—a traumatic experience that young Bobby overcame with a drink. And more after that.
On a lighter note, are you excited to have the Grant family together again? Harry’s return (albeit as a new actor) was a pleasant surprise a few weeks ago, and honestly, we weren’t expecting to see May this season. Now, if we could just fly Michael and David back for a visit, we’d have a proper family reunion.
Did this week’s Bobby-centric episode get you excited? Leave a comment below with your thoughts, including your hopes (and fears) for the final two episodes of the season.