8 Burning Questions We Need Answered in ‘Will Trent’ Season 3
We’re nearing the midseason for fall TV, which means Will Trent will soon be returning for the start of Season 3, which is expected to premiere in early 2025 and will feature the addition of actress Gina Rodriguez and reality star Ariana Madix to the cast.
Following the events of that Season 2 finale, we’ve got some serious questions about what’s next, including how the show will even continue after the title character’s massive and devastating decision.
Whether all of our most burning questions will be answered in the third, 18-episode season, remains to be seen. However, below are our burning questions about what’ll happen when Will Trent returns for Season 3.
What’s going to happen to Angie?
As we saw in Season 2’s finale, Will Trent (Ramón Rodríguez) had to make an excruciating decision after finding out the truth about Angie’s (Erika Christensen) encounter with Lenny: He could either honor his moral principles and arrest her for lying to cover up Crystal’s murder of her abuser or pretend he didn’t know the truth and potentially move on to a happy life with his longtime love. For better or worse, he chose the former, and now we have to wonder what it means for Angie.
Will she go to jail? Will the District Attorney’s Office decide not to prosecute considering the true perpetrator is now dead? And if so, what will her punishment be?
For her part, Erika Christensen herself told TV Insider, “I hope we find ourselves in kind of a whole new world. But the writers are so good at embracing everything that we’ve established so far and really staying true to these characters in this world. I’m trying to see also how they’re going to move forward from this finale.”
Will Angie ever be able to forgive Will?
Theoretically, the best-case scenario would be for Angie to get a slap on the wrist from the DA, which is highly possible considering Angie’s own traumatic experiences with Lenny and her desire to protect Crystal from harm. Even then, though, it’s unclear what her decision might mean for her career — surely Amanda Wagner (Sonja Sohn) will have to remove her recommendation for the GBI — or her relationship with Will.
Angie and Will were at such a solid point in their relationship, finally. Finally! And now? How can they ever recover? And would they even want to?
About this open ending, executive producer Liz Heldens told TV Insider, “It’s kind of nice to sort of throw all the pieces in the air and figure out where they’re gonna land. And so I think it’ll be a nice challenging shake-up for us.”
Meanwhile, EP Daniel T. Thomsen added, “I think one of the things that people love about the show is how real it feels in terms of what these characters are going through, and I think that this kind of just seismic change that you have to find a way to roll with is kind of a part of life for people. And so yeah, we’re excited to kind of figure out what it looks like for her as well as he is forced to contemplate a chapter of his life without Angie.”
Where is Will going now?
One of the most immediate question marks after the finale is, of course, where in the world Will is off to right now. He left Nico (Cora Lu Tran) in charge of the house and took off with Betty. We know he has some family in Puerto Rico, so is it possible he’s heading back to the island to unwind after such a difficult case outcome? Or is there business for him somewhere else right now?
One thing’s for sure: The fact that he didn’t give any notice is pretty stunning.
Does Michael have a shot at GBI now?
Assuming Angie is no longer in contention for a position at GBI — which is an extremely fair assumption — the position might still be open for another applicant. Considering how much time Michael Ormewood (Jake McLaughlin) has spent with the GBI working on the spree killer case, maybe they’ll see him as a good match for the team.
This would be especially helpful to him, of course, as he potentially faces the firing of his partner and tries to lay out a case for child custody rights. Speaking of which…Are Michael and his wife going to have a bitter divorce?
Are Michael and his wife going to have a bitter divorce?
Ormewood’s wife has been completely out of the picture lately and only recently returned from her mental health break to visit her daughter in the hospital after the kid’s emergency appendectomy. Michael has been (rightly) understanding that she needed to care for her mental well-being, but when she returned and told him of her intentions to divorce him and seek sole custody of the children, well, something snapped.
He promised that he would not allow such a thing to happen, saying that although he’s happy she’s feeling better, she is not taking his kids away from him. So now we have to wonder what’s next for these two. Will she back down, or are they in for a very rocky divorce in the next season?
Will we see more of Uncle Antonio?
One key addition to the cast in Season 2 was the recurring character Uncle Antonio (John Ortiz), who was Will’s first true, flesh and blood family member ever. He proved to be a calming force in Will’s life when things got really rough, so can we expect to see him come back and help Will in this new hour of crisis? To be determined.
Of the possibility, Thomsen told us, “I really hope so. We felt incredibly grateful that he was able to fit this in this season. Liz and I had the idea like, ‘Crap, wouldn’t John Ortiz be perfect?!’… I love that story this season and I really want John to come back.”
Will we see more of Amanda’s background?
This season we got to see some of what makes Amanda drive, as Sydney Park portrayed the younger version of her character as she endured sexism and racism in the workplace. So will we get to see more of her trials and travails in the department’s earliest days?
Sonja Sohn told TV insider, “I’d like to see Amanda’s personal relationships explored more. I’d like to see possibly who was Amanda’s ex — Evelyn’s brother — and who might she be interested in in the future. I feel right now everyone has a romantic relationship except Amanda, so I’d like to see some romantic interest develop for her and to see how that impacts her, her tough veneer. I think when anyone has attention paid to them or their feelings if they have love in their lives, they’re different. And I’d like to see what happens to Amanda in a circumstance like that.”
What’s next with Faith’s family?
Last but not least, the one person who seemed to have a sunnier day than the rest in the season finale was Faith Mitchell (Iantha Richardson), who has come to an understanding with her son and gotten extremely cozy with her beau. There are still some unanswered questions there, though, like will her boy’s new job pan out as well as he hopes, and is there any room left for his dad in Faith’s life?