There’s two categories of people in this world. One, the type of people who have been pondering for weeks about how each Young Sheldon character would survive Freshers’ Week, and are desperate for answers. And two, the kind of people who’ve also been wondering that – but they just don’t know it yet.
Just imagine if they made an entire episode of Young Sheldon where the characters spend Freshers’ Week at a UK uni. Sheldon would obviously go to Cambidge, Missy would thrive at Bristol. I, for one, would be immensely interested in seeing how each Young Sheldon character would survive Freshers’ Week. So, in the name of public service, I’m putting the people out of their misery.
Here’s how every character in Young Sheldon would survive Freshers’ Week.
Georgie Cooper
Via Netflix
Georgie Cooper would spend Freshers’ Week sharking on the club dance floor, and trying to get off with Freshers. Or certainly the Georgie of the show’s earlier seasons would. He’s grown up over recent seasons, and become a father and a family man. But that’s in Southern Texas in the late 80s. There aren’t many British undergraduates that settle down and start a family while at uni, so despite all his growth, Georgie would fall straight back into his old ways.
Via Netflix
There’s only one Freshers’ Week event MeeMaw would care about: Bongo’s Bingo. She’d pre for the night at Turtle Bay, get thoroughly tipsy and would be the life of the party and the highlight of everyone’s night. There isn’t a single soul on earth who doesn’t secretly want to get drunk with MeeMaw.
Mary Cooper
Via Netflix
While she wouldn’t necessarily be playing ring of fire or necking squadka by the litre at pres, I don’t think it would be fair to say that Mary would be that one flatmate you never see – that would be doing the legend that she is a disservice. Mary would spend her Freshers’ Week getting to know her flatmates, baking in the kitchen and going on wholesome nature walks to explore her new city. She wouldn’t be the first person you’d call if you were looking for a feral night out, but all her flatmates would love her regardless.
Via Netflix
Absolute queen, and winner of people’s choice favourite Cooper sibling for seven consecutive years, Missy Cooper would not merely survive Freshers’ Week. She’d thrive. Unlike her mother, she’d get stuck in up to elbows with any drinking games (the drinking age notwithstanding) and would very much be the life of the party. If the opportunity arose for fancy dress, our girl Missy would undoubtedly step up to the occasion. Uni wouldn’t know what had hit it. BNOC status pending.
George Cooper
Via Netflix
Uni meals can be a bit grim, so a food lover like George would be suffering during Freshers’ Week. And probably he’d be especially grumpy as a result. He’d only get angrier when he learnt that Tesco doesn’t sell Lone Star beer. In his mind, any country where you can’t find Lone Star beer is basically communist.
Via Netflix
Sheldon has hundreds of niche, nerdy interests that he loves to enjoy. Unis have hundreds of societies, including a number of niche, nerdy interest groups that Sheldon might love. Most universities have a Warhammer society, gaming society, computer society – almost anything you might want. Sheldon would sign up to every one and before long he’d be on the committee at each, which, together with his presumably very advanced studies, would make him one of the busiest people in the student body. Just like his sister, Sheldon would have BNOC status in the bag by the end of Freshers’ Week. He’s not the most conspicuous guy in the world.