10 Underrated The Big Bang Theory Moments That Aren’t Talked About Enough (continued)

7. Mary (Accidentally) Makes Sheldon Move Out Again
The Big Bang Theory Established A Perfect Dynamic In This Early Outing

Season 3, episode 1, “The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation,” marked a pivotal point in Leonard and Penny’s relationship as Leonard returned from his Arctic expedition and the duo began dating. As such, it is easy for viewers to miss Mary and Sheldon’s best exchange in this outing. However, well before Young Sheldon’s version of Mary fleshed out the character’s backstory, this episode perfectly epitomized Sheldon’s relationship with his mother. When Sheldon sternly noted that evolution wasn’t an opinion but rather a fact, and Mary replied just as sternly that this was his opinion, this set the scene for years of hilarious conflict.

6. Sheldon Reveals His Fortress of Shame
The Big Bang Theory Hero’s Secret Hoarding Was A Perfect Character Detail

The later seasons of the series are sometimes seen as lesser outings but some truly classic episodes are hidden in these admittedly uneven outings. Season 9, episode 19, “The Solder Excursion Diversion,” featured a Sheldon character detail that was equal parts poignant and funny. When Amy bought Sheldon a new laptop, she was shocked to discover that her famously fastidious love interest had a secret hoarding problem. Sheldon’s “Fortress of Shame” was a surprise, but it had been perfectly foreshadowed in earlier episodes. As such, the detail felt both believable and unexpected at the same time.

5. Stephen Hawking Trolls Sheldon And Leonard
This Reveal Was Hawking’s Funniest Big Bang Theory Cameo

In season 8, episode 14, “The Troll Manifestation,” Sheldon and Leonard become incensed and obsessed when an online troll mocks their latest publication. Although The Big Bang Theory’s next spinoff might bring back the original show’s penchant for cameos from the world of science, it would be hard to outdo this outing’s climactic reveal. The revelation that Stephen Hawking was the one trolling Leonard and Sheldon humanized the scientist, proving the late physicist had a sense of humor as well as his renowned intellect. Hawking appeared in the series numerous times, but this goofy villain role was his most underrated cameo.

Many viewers forget that Billy Bob Thornton ever even appeared in The Big Bang Theory .

4. Billy Bob Thornton Explains Why The Gang Needed Penny
Sheldon and Leonard Could Have Been Like Thornton’s Character

On the topic of underrated celebrity cameos, many viewers forget that Billy Bob Thornton ever even appeared in The Big Bang Theory. To be fair, this might be because the charismatic actor played aggressively against type in his one-episode appearance. In season 8, episode 7, “The Misinterpretation Agitation,” Thornton’s awkward, entitled Dr. Lorvis tries to woo Penny despite her disinterest. This appearance made the episode an underrated classic, as Thornton’s character proved just how much Penny helped The Big Bang Theory gang. Without her advice, they could all have ended up as clueless and romantically inept as Lorvis.

3. Penny Helps Sheldon Make A Breakthrough
Penny Helped Sheldon Reconnect With His “Rebound” Dark Matter

While The Big Bang Theory’s spinoff Young Sheldon proved viewers wanted more from Sheldon, the series was never able to replicate his best relationship from the original show. Penny and Sheldon’s friendship was unique among the gang since the pair had so little in common and learned so much from each other. This was best captured in season 11, episode 13, “The Solo Oscillation.” There, Penny helped Sheldon solve string theory while the pair hung out, and she likened his psychics work to an ex. This unlikely source of inspiration proved the duo’s dissimilarities made them a perfect pair.

2. “Please Don’t Hurt My Friend”
Sheldon’s Conversation With Penny Was Surprisingly Sweet

In season 6, episode 2, “The Decoupling Fluctuation,” Penny questioned whether her relationship with Leonard was the best thing for the pair. Infamously averse to change, Sheldon thought nothing of entering Penny’s bedroom while she was sleeping to warn her against the breakup. He pointed out that it would inconvenience him since he hates change, only to be shut down by Penny. In one of the show’s most underrated moving moments, Sheldon changed tack by simply asking Penny not to hurt his friend. It was a straightforward, sincere, and unexpectedly poignant moment between the two mismatched friends.

1. Sheldon Tells Penny His Birthday
Sheldon Made His Friendship With Penny Closer

Although The Big Bang Theory’s Leonard was central to the show’s success, some of the show’s most underrated moments prove its best relationship was platonic. Penny and Sheldon were The Big Bang Theory’s best character pairing, as evidenced in season 8, episode 16, “The Intimacy Acceleration,” When Penny and Sheldon attempted a test designed to make two people fall in love, romantic sparks failed to materialize between them. However, Sheldon did blithely reveal his birthday to Penny, something he never told Amy or Leonard before. In this underrated moment, The Big Bang Theory’s antihero finally began to open up.

The seeds of Sheldon’s Nobel acceptance speech were sown back in this season 8 interaction.

It would be numerous seasons before Sheldon thanked his friends and family, admitting that he owed all his success to them, in the show’s finale. However, the seeds of Sheldon’s Nobel acceptance speech were sown back in this season 8 interaction. Much like Sheldon could be unexpectedly generous to Penny when it came to gifts and money in earlier outings, here, his honesty was a gift she didn’t expect and was thankful to receive. The Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon was a character with very obvious flaws, but this underrated episode proved that the right friendship could make him and Penny better people over time.

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