10 Things That Actually Aged Well In The Twilight Saga

There was a time when young-adults were the biggest market to appeal to. Series like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Twilight Saga ruled the box office at the beginning of the decade, before the superhero genre took over in popularity.

The Twilight Saga used to have as many haters as it did fans, and was easily the most polarizing out of all franchises out there. Since those days, though, there has been more appreciation for the series. Over time, fans and former haters have outgrown their previous attitudes, and these 10 things about The Twilight Saga have aged the best.

The Nostalgia Factor
Some series get exposed for their failures years after they were produced, and their replay value is severely hindered since they’re now seen as lacking in quality. However, The Twilight Saga already faces enough criticism in its running days for that not to be an issue now.

In fact, the perception of the series has doubled in appreciation, as fans now love diving into the nostalgia the series offered and reminded us of the years between 2008 and 2012 where most of us were teenagers. For that reason, most of the series’ flaws are easily overlooked.

The Will They/Won’t They Angle
This kind of angle exists even in superhero movies and TV shows, and The Twilight Saga thrived in presenting this to fans. While the dynamic between Edward and Bella was what drove the series at the time, it has become better over the years.

Now, people don’t think about any failures in execution of this pairing, and instead look over to the good parts it offered. Knowing how things will pan out has in effect made watching the series again more fun since the “Will they/Won’t they” aspect has already been resolved for fans.

Jacob’s Character
Having a supportive friend is something we all want in life, and Jacob providing this quality is something that was always going to age well. Looking back, you get the sense you probably didn’t appreciate him as much you should’ve when the films were new.

The Soundtrack
You can accuse the film of being of low quality if the source material isn’t exactly your speed, but you can’t fault the soundtrack in the same way. If there was one thing that was done right in the films, it was the accompanying music to situations.

The Unintentional Comedy
Who says being unintentionally funny is supposed to be bad thing? After all, this is one way that can garner fans who otherwise wouldn’t have arrived at all. There’s a whole fanbase out there for The Twilight Saga who have enjoyed the nonsensical elements in the series.

Theme About Family
Now that the rabid fangirls who used to lose their minds over the attractive men in the series have matured, they’ve stopped to consider the theme behind the series. At its heart, The Twilight Saga was about keeping family close no matter how many problems there might be.

The Thoughts And Feelings Of A Teenager
People always accuse Bella of being an obsessive girl who was crazy about a vampire with a very sketchy past, but the reason why this worked was because teenagers do have a fantasy concocted in their heads. Since most fans aren’t teenagers now, they appreciate how accurately The Twilight Saga portrays their feelings at the time.

Presentation Of Werewolves
The vampire and werewolf genre has simmered down considerably in the last decade, to the point you don’t really see movies like these anymore. Watching the werewolf fights now in The Twilight Saga is a reminder of how cool they really were.

Its Simple Style
Nowadays, every series seems to require having some kind of drawn-out storyline that has intrinsic themes and twists, so it’s always fun to watch a series that doesn’t rely on these elements. The Twilight Saga is quite simple in that it’s about a teenage girl who gets embroiled in the world of monsters.

Robert Pattinson’s Performance
With the actor now confirmed to be the next Batman, Robert’s performances have been given retroactive respect since it has become clear that this guy really is talented. He’s played a wizard, a vampire, villains, heroes, and is even seen in dramatic and indie roles.

For this reason, Robert’s role in The Twilight Saga is one that has been given a layer of range, as watching him as Edward now confirms he can deliver a wide array of performances. He’s been able to shake off the pretty boy image as well, and looking at him here reminds you he owns whatever part he’s cast in.

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