10 Greatest Chicago Fire Relationships, Ranked (continued)

6. Matthew Casey and Gabby Dawson Were a Dynamic Pair
Matthew Casey and Gabby Dawson Have a Romantic Relationship.

– Gabby Dawson exited Chicago Fire at the beginning of Season 7.
– Matthew Casey exited Chicago Fire in Season 10.
– Gabby Dawson was one of the original owners of Molly’s Bar.

The relationship between Gabby Dawson and Matthew Casey was one of the first major relationships of Chicago Fire. The pair had underlying romantic tension permeating their early interactions before they began dating in Season 2. They have a fast-paced relationship that meshes well with their intense personalities and marry in Season 5.

Dawson and Casey’s relationship was incredibly entertaining and made the plot of Chicago Fire very dynamic. Both Casey and Dawson are passionate and dedicated people, which brought up interesting conflicts in their relationships. Though the pair would divorce when Dawson moved to Puerto Rico, their relationship was a fantastic addition to Chicago Fire.

5. Matthew Casey and Kelly Severide Have a Complex Friendship
Matthew Casey and Kelly Severide Have a Friendship

– Kelly Severide’s father used to work at the same firehouse Kelly now works at.
– Both are leaders of their respective teams, Truck and Engine.
– Matt Casey ran a political race in Chicago Fire and was elected Alderman.

Matt Casey and Kelly Severide have an incredibly complex relationship that permeates the early seasons of Chicago Fire. The series begins with Casey and Severide at each other’s throats after the death of their close friend, Andy Darden, at the scene of a fire. Casey and Severide are blaming each other for the death and struggling to accept the loss. Eventually, they reconcile and regain the close friendship they had before.

Casey and Severide have a deep bond and an unwavering loyalty that comes with fighting fires side by side. Both men hold a leadership role, so they share an understanding of the deeper responsibilities of being a leader in such a dangerous field. There is no doubt that Casey and Severide will always have each others back.

4. Matt Casey and Sylvie Brett Grew in Their Marriage
Matt Casey and Sylvie Brett Romantic

– Sylvie Brett exits Chicago Fire in Season 12.
– Sylvie Brett is a small-town girl from Indiana.
– Both Casey and Brett were in serious relationships before entering their marriage.

Matt Casey and Sylvie Brett had a well-established foundation for their relationship, as they had a solid bond as coworkers from when Brett debuted in the series in Season 3. Their relationship began to skew towards romantic after Gabby Dawson and Matt Casey divorced when she moved to Puerto Rico in Season 7. Brett and Casey have a winding road in their relationship, but they are on solid ground as a couple when they marry in one of the show’s best episodes, Season 12, Episode 6, “Port In The Storm.”

Matt and Sylvie’s relationship path made them both stronger as people. They provide stability for the other and allow their partner to flourish professionally. The maturity that has come from their growth allowed their relationship to survive hurdles, such as their long-distance period.

3. Leslie Shay and Kelly Severide Had an Unbreakable Friendship
Leslie Shay and Kelly Severide Have a Friendship

– Leslie Shay and Kelly Severide were both introduced in the pilot episode.
– Leslie Shay was the first LGBTQ+ character in Chicago Fire.
– Kelly Severide has struggled with addiction issues.

Leslie Shay and Kelly Severide have an incredibly complex friendship. The power of this friendship has been evident in Chicago Fire long after the death of Leslie Shay in Season 2, Episode 22, “Real Never Waits. Shay and Severide look out for each other even when it breaks the rules, such as Shay giving Kelly pain medication off the record for an injury.

Severide and Shay both have a tendency to engage in risky behavior, and they each look out for the other while allowing them to be themselves. Kelly was broken by Leslie’s death, and he bottled up his emotions that he was previously allowed to express freely with Shay. Kelly still finds it hard to accept the loss, even going as far as breaking into a junkyard to retrieve a discarded memorial to Shay in Season 9, Episode 2, “That Kind of Heat.”

2. Kelly Severide and Stella Kidd Have a Fantastic Marriage
Kelly Severide and Stella Kidd Have a Romantic Relationship

– Stella Kidd became a Lieutenant in Season 9.
– Stella Kidd befriended Gabby Dawson while at the Fire Academy.
– Kelly Severide has worked as an Arson Investigator.

Kelly Severide has had a number of flings and relationships over the course of Chicago Fire. However, once he met Stella Kidd, nothing would be the same. Stella was guarded from her tough upbringing, so they had an uphill battle ahead of them which is comprised of false starts and denied feelings.

Once Kelly and Stella cement their romantic relationship, they bring out the best in each other. They both are devoted to their jobs and some of the best firefighters in the department. Both Kelly and Stella uplift their partner while protecting them so they can thrive. Their passion for each other mirrors their devoted personalities and is the best relationship currently featured on Chicago Fire.

1. Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek and Joe Cruz Have a Friendship That Transcends Death
Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek and Joe Cruz Have a Strong Friendship

– Otis is a first generation Russian-American and is fluent in the language.
– Joe Cruz comes from a rough neighborhood in Chicago.
– Joe Cruz is also a Zumba instructor.

It’s undeniable that the friendship between Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek and Joe Cruz is the best friendship to be featured on Chicago Fire. Brian and Otis are attached at the hip from the very first episode. The duo are there for their best friend through thick and thin and encourage the other to reach their goals, no matter how serious or benign they may be. The friendship between Otis and Cruz brings out the best in both of them.

In one of the most devastating moments of the series, Otis passes away in the line of duty in Season 8, Episode 1, “Sacred Ground.” Joe is by his side to hear his last words, reminding him that Otis will always be with him. Joe carries his friend’s legacy forward by naming his son Brian in his friend’s honor. The way this friendship transcends life and death makes it the most profound relationship in Chicago Fire.

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