10 Funniest Tweets About The Twilight Saga

10 Funniest Tweets About The Twilight Saga

Edward Cullen, Bella Swan and Jacob Black captured the imaginations of fans, and the legions at Twitter have been hard at work with the funny tweets.

With the great Twilight Renaissance of the 2020s, the viral vampire-human-werewolf love triangle has returned in style, and how. What was once mocked and considered silly, is now, once again, one of the most popular franchises of all time, even with limited new material being released.Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, and Jacob Black captured the imaginations of audiences around the world, and the legions over at Twitter have been working hard to tweet hilarious things about Twilight. These funny tweets really bring out the best and worst in the iconic saga.

Twilight X Batman
The reactions to Robert Pattinson being Batman were overwhelmingly positive, and suddenly the actor was a universal favorite, instead of just being an actor for the ladies. However, in a hilarious moment, women reclaimed that they had recognized Pattinson’s talent way before the superhero movie, and decided to attach Twilight to The Batman.

Many even made connections between all of Pattinson’s popular movies, and how they all exist in the same universe. Therefore, this tweet was born about whether a Twilight viewing is mandatory (the answer is yes).

Rosalie’s Wrath
Fans can’t forget the iconic scene where Bella and Edward debuted as a couple in the Cullen house, where they tried to make Bella pasta because she was Italian. This Twitter user liked Rosalie’s anger at Bella’s full stomach to Maddie’s popular line from Euphoria.

The Next Met Gala
The Twilight Renaissance has been a very real phenomenon in the past couple of years, and the initially mocked film has become a worldwide craze, yet again.

Twihards have risen again, and a new generation of teens have also grown to love the iconic Twilight Saga and its characters. So, it’s not a reach to imagine that the Met Gala could be themed after Bella, Edward, and all the Cullens.

Biology Class
Eevrything becomes a little funnier when it’s crossed over with The Office, and this viral Michael Scott meme fits bizarrely well with Edward’s very amusing reaction to Bella’s scent when she met him in Biology class for the first time.

The Twilight Fake Baby
Unsettling yet comical, Renesmee’s baby CGI baby form in Breaking Dawn Part II was a masterclass in what not to do while creating supernatural babies. Lovingly (or afraidly) dubbed the Twilight Fake Baby, fans can’t forget its haunting face.

Where The Hell You Been, Loca?
New Moon is quietly known as the worst sequel of the Twilight series, mainly because it birthed hilarity like this very out-of-place dialogue uttered by Jacob Black.

Fans can’t forget the absurdity of this greeting that Jacob said to Bella, which she didn’t quite respond to. It’s become one of the most well-known and uproarious lines from the movie.

Edward’s Nocturnal Activities
While some fans apparently found Edward’s stalkerish behavior towards Bella a bit creepy, others decided to joke about it. Much like the awkward but comical selfie of a made-up Kim with her half-asleep ex-husband Kanye West, Edward also sat long nights watching Bella sleep.

It was definitely a testament to his love for the teen because there is nothing fascinating about watching somebody sleep, in fact it was very cringey of Edward to do. Loosely put, Bella was a sort of lucky girl.

Phoebe Bridgers X Twilight
The Twilight soundtrack is known for its choice selection of music, and all by fantastic artists. This tweet by Phoebe Bridgers is spot on, because her brand of emo-folk, melancholy and anxious music would have been a shoo-in for the Twilight albums.

Bella’s Undying Love
Bella’s devotion to, and fascination with, Edward Cullen was sweet, but it could really become quite strange sometimes. She knew the mortal danger she put herself every time Edward even touched her, but she would do anything for some supernatural loving.

Edward, Go To Therapy
In a similar vein, Edward had the most issues between the couple, and he had, well, an immortal life. For more than a century he battled his demons, yet he could not find the time to get therapy to sort himself out.

If Edward had gotten some therapy, maybe he would’ve left Bella alone while she slept, or not tortured both himself and her with his self-righteous tricks in New Moon.

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